Socialization And Social Development

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Socialization consists of the ways in which an individual is molded into a person who can interact with others according to the expectations of society. Socialization arises in early childhood through adolescence, primarily through schooling, and adult socialization refers to the ways in which a person learns the norms associated with new statuses. Among the most basic questions in the study of socialization is that of nature versus nurture to what extent does the development of the person depend on genetic factors, and to what extent does it depend on learning? In my opinion, I think the personality comes from nurture, because it something that is developed by socialization and In the movie Room (2015), Ma the mother of her younger son Jack, …show more content…

They, along with the rest of our family, also show us how to go about our close relationships, group life, and how to share what we have learned. They as well provide us with our first approach in values, norms, and beliefs – an approach that is usually a reflection of what they were socialized growing up like social status, religion, ethnic group, and more. For example in the movie Room (2015), Jack, a young boy who lives in a room, was born to a dysfunctional family. His mother captive, Old Nic, and had gotten her pregnant in which resulted in Jack being born. After he had escaped from the room he was reunited with his mother’s mom and he was so was so ecstatic in meeting his grandmother for the first time. Jack was taught in learning the importance of family values through socialization with being in the real world and being taught by his mother. Joy, Jack’s mother, decides to tell him about the outside world; he reacts with disbelief and incomprehension, but also with curiosity. This socialization Another important agent of socialization is the school. The fundamental purpose of attending school is to obtain subject knowledge and teach life skills, like following directions and knowing how to meet deadlines. Students don't just learn from the academic curricula prepared by teachers, in school, we also learn social skills through our interactions …show more content…

This agent includes a socialization of television shows, movies, magazines, the internet, and other parts of the mass media influence our views in politics, our perspective in different cultures, our views of women, people of color, and gays, and many other beliefs and practices. Moreover, the controversy in the mass media is often blamed for many of society’s troubles. Many children see acts of brutality on television and in the movies before reaching to their young adulthood. Commercials can greatly influence our choice in what we do on an everyday life. The mass media also has an increase in racial and gender stereotypes, like for example the belief that women are suitable targets of male violence and are sex objects. The mass media defiantly are an important source of socialization and has a great impact on children. For instance, in Room (2015), Jack is an enthusiastic watcher of “Dora the Explorer” and her lively adventures. For Jack, the room represents reality a whole while TV is just make-believe. Although he sees that TV as just make-believe, he is influenced by imitating those characters in the make believe televisions show in his 11-by-11 box of living

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