Social Media Has Such A Negative Impact On American Society

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Social media has become a complete necessity for almost every teen in America. Some cannot even imagine the idea of a world without this service. It can allow you to find and connect to anybody around the world. Additionally it can provide you with information in an instant. Not to mention it can help many small businesses or huge corporations. However, social media also has its downside. Social media has more of a harmful impact on American society because of cyberbullying, spread of false information, and can cause decreased productivity. Cyberbullying is a major reason why social media has such a negative impact on American society. Cyberbullying makes it easier for people to attack a person, and causes depression and sadness among all ages. When social media was not around people if bullies wanted to harass a victim they would have to do in person during certain hours of the day. When the invention of social media arrived, many insult one another because it’s easy, a lot less intimidating, any time, and keeps you anonymous. This in turn makes a person sad and even in extreme cases causes suicide. For example, a teen by …show more content…

It causes a major distraction for teens, and also causes distractions in workplaces. As said in, 93% of children age 12-17 regularly go online. Many Americans check social media around 17 times a day according to Alarming amount of time on Social Media, Lulu Chang, This takes the students off of doing hw, studying, and many other thing. Instead you are wasting time looking at some tweet. Moreover, employees spend about 32% of their time on social media according to Media affecting Workplace Productivity, Another thing to consider is 32% is a huge amount of time that can be used on other more important things. All things considered, you can clearly see how social media takes so much time

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