Social Media Happiness Essay

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People stay in touch with their friends and family through the use of social media; however, the use of social media can often give people a false sense of becoming someone they are not. People rely on social media to see what the social norm is; however, social media often only portrays happy moments, such as going on a vacation. Because only the happy moments are seen, users reveal a one­sided perspective. People see these happy moments and wonder why their lives cannot be as perfect as what they see online when in reality nobody has the perfect life that they portray on social media. Social media creates a false sense of happiness that causes others to become dissatisfied with their own lives and sets high standards for how people should …show more content…

People on social media can oftentimes make viewers feel as if their lives are lousy because they are not the “perfect” person that they see online. Social media users feel as if they need to be popular on social media in order to fit in. However, spending an excessive amount of time scrolling through other people’s photos on social media can affect a person’s social skills, leading to depression. In “The New Science of Happiness,” Wallace explains, “Most people find happiness in family connections and friendships.” People need other human interaction, otherwise, they will have no social skills. For example, if a person spends all of their time on their phone, they are likely to miss important events throughout their life such as prom or a birthday party for their friend. People do not enjoy chatting with someone who is constantly on their phone because they feel as though they do not have the person’s full attention. People feel as though they need to fit the expected stereotypes of society which means a perfect body, perfect life, et cetera. They want to have a simple life of happiness like they see online, but in reality, those people have unhappy moments in their lives as well. For example, a supermodel would not post the photos that he or she does not look attractive in because then society would see that even they are not beautiful all the time. People only post …show more content…

Social media users can become depressed after spending too much time obsessing over social media and how other people look because they are not like that “perfect” person that they see. This can greatly affect users’ social skills with others as well because they are constantly on their phone. The overuse of social media can decrease time spent with a person, ultimately resulting in the end of a relationship due to lack of physical interaction. People need to be more aware of how much time they spend on social media as this can affect their happiness and their overall quality of life. The overuse of social media has a negative effect on society today. People do not realize just how much the use of social media can negatively affect them both mentally and

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