Effects Of Social Media On Self Esteem

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As the time passes, social media has held on today’s youth, and not in ways the world would have hoped for. Teens are being revealed to picture perfect images all over their timeline, leaving the question if they will ever look like those people online. Seeing picture perfect bodies and faces lowers all self esteem they have. Staring at an image of something so unrealistic damages one, it leads to things such as self harm, eating disorder, and huge drop in self esteem. As social media grows so does the issues associated with it. The negative results left on women and girls is large. Not only does social media affect self esteem, it also causes many eating disorders such as Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. Perfectly beautiful girls with unique features are now considering physical surgeries to fit what social media deems as perfect. Some girls even go as far as actually considering changing their features because they feel that it will make them happier, it will make them happier looking like that one picture on their timeline. “Supporters say that teenage girls could enjoy a huge boost in their self-esteem by …show more content…

The media is runned by people not robots, you shouldn’t let the media get to your head. Rather them the media filling our heads, we need to realize that celebrities aren’t the only role model or a perfect body.” it is unfair to exclusively blame the media for women’s body image ills”(Body Image,2012). Social media may not be the total blame, but it does encourage the idea of a perfect body image. Teens should have the power to stop looking at television and staring at magazines.”Although there is no evidence that happiness is directly related to weight, that is the message continually pounded home”(Body Image,2012). Teens need to be more self-respected and not listening to what the media puts to our heads. From both outlooks of this argument there are two perspectives on this

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