Smoking Cessation Research Paper

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Smoking Cessation and Auricular Therapy
Tricia A. Clayton
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Smoking Cessation and Auricular Therapy
Smoking Implications Smoking is the leading cause of death in the world. An estimated 23% of males and 18% of females smoke cigarettes. Smoking has been linked to heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer and increases risk for cancer of the bladder, throat, mouth, kidney, cervix, and pancreas. In addition to the effects on the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems, cigarette smoking can increase irritability, impatience, hostility, anxiety, depressed mood, and restlessness (American Heart Association, 2014). On average, those who smoke have a shorter …show more content…

Several unsuccessful attempts are often made before a person is able to completely quit. The majority of unsuccessful attempts are made with no clinical interventions such as pharmacotherapy or counseling. Counseling and/or pharmacotherapy have shown to aid in a higher success rates in individuals who have quit smoking permanently. These methods are encouraged and should be offer them to anyone with the desire to quit smoking (Thanavaro & Delicath, 2010). In addition to counseling and pharmacotherapy, there are several alternative therapies with controversial efficacy available. Hypnosis, acupuncture, and auricular therapy, also known as auricular transcutaneous electrical stimulation therapy (ATET) are among some alternate therapies. Although the mechanism of action between acupuncture and ATET is similar they vary in that, rather than sticking a needle into the ear during acupuncture, ATET applies an electrical stimulus to the pinna of the ear. Although many studies performed have deemed ATET a successful alternative smoking cessation therapy, there is a gap in knowledge in the effectiveness of this therapy (Thanavaro & Delicath, 2010). The focus of this paper is to review treatment guidelines for smoking cessation as well as explore where ATET fits in to treatment …show more content…

The Chinese goal of ATET is to return the body back to a synchronized, stable, state of well being. The ear is considered the micro-system of the entire body thus, ATET centers on acupoints located on the ear. Auricular acupoints correspond to specific body parts and organs in the body. Stimulation of these specific sites allow for effective smoking cessation. (Wang, Chen, Yeh, & Lin,

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