E Cigarettes Essay

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Advice on the Risks of Nicotine Replacement Therapies for Smoking Cessation (e-cigarettes gum and patches) Are e-cigarettes better than other conventional therapies?
Clinical Review Style- SSU2
This paper will focus on looking at if e-cigarettes and other therapies are a valid way to help stop smoking. Doctors and patients alike need a definitive answer for this. This is a topic which is relevant at the moment as e-cigarettes become more prevalent in the United Kingdom (UK). As “current use [of e-cigarettes has] more than doubled from 2.7% of smokers in 2010 to 6.7% in 2012.”3 This paper will cover nicotine as a neurotoxin and how it affects the brain and body, what mechanisms nicotine uses and adverse signs and symptoms of nicotine use and overdose. This paper will also cover nicotine replacement therapies (NRT’s) such as gum, patches and oral spray but will focus mainly on e-cigarettes. It should be noted that as e-cigarettes have not been tested thoroughly, therefore they can’t be marketed as a nicotine replacement therapy by UK law at time of writing.
Summary Points
Nicotine binds to anticholinergic receptors which in turn cause dopamine to be released-causing a reward-benefit system
Nicotine is a highly toxic substance (LD40) which can affect the brain, central and autonomic nervous system
In a nicotine overdose nausea, vomiting, confusion, dizziness, weakness, coma, convulsions and respiratory and cardiac arrest can occur8
E-cigarettes are tubes with or without nicotine but no tobacco in them. They are used in 55% of cases to cut down on smoking and give up smoking entirely in 51% of cases 3
Using any form of NRT increases chance of smoking cessation by 50-70%1
There is no clear difference between effectiven...

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...an be seen that they are a useful cessation technique- as stated previously 55% of people use e-cigarettes to quit. More research is needed into e-cigarettes to see if they are viable way to effectively stop smoking. There is a gap in research of long term effects of e-cigarettes due to e-cigarettes only being developed in 2004 4. Due to e-cigarettes only gaining popularity recently, few reliable studies with enough participants were able to be meta-analysed. It is also hard to give a reliable conclusion for this topic as there are different brands of e-cigarettes each containing varying concentrations of nicotine which wont change until they are regulated as medicinal products. At the moment the studies suggest that e-cigarettes are no better than other NRT’s. E-cigarettes could be a viable, useful and cost effective way to help reduce smoking- if they are regulated

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