Similarities Between Joan Of Arc And Martin Luther King Jr

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Inspiration Throughout History Joan of Arc and Martin Luther King Jr. have brought the world inspiration spanning two different times and two different genders. Inspiring others through determination, truth and the difficulty of their times. They both were just one person speaking against a “cause” in their lives. They changed people's lives and perceptions of themselves, through showing others that they could do something even if told no. Their differences were what made them who they were, nearly 500 years apart. One was a 13 year old female leading an army to battle, the other a 39 year old man who changed the belief about an entire race of people. Joan of Arc was nicknamed “The Maid of Orleans” (“Joan Of Arc” 3).She was a Roman Catholic …show more content…

was an American Baptist minister, and one of the most well known Black Civil Rights supporters in the world. Born in 1929, the age of race segregation and racism, Luther saw his world change. At the age of eleven he was told he could no longer play with his white friend, without explanation from anyone. (“Martin Luther King Jr.” 1 ) King noticed the small differences of the lives of blacks and whites, such as how he had to stand in the bus, was required to use different washrooms, different entrances, and had to pay to enter public areas. It greatly angered him he couldn’t do anything, as not complying to the rules was a federal offence, and could end him up in jail. death greatly affected him and pushed him to attempt suicide. In an act of desperation and sadness, King made the leap from a second story window, but survived. He felt as though it was his fault his grandmother has passed away while the world was still separated in half. In March of 1955, after Rosa Parks arrest, King led a boycott urging coloured people to not ride buses. By the time it ended, the boycott had spanned a total length of 368 days.During this time King’s house was bombed, he was send dozens of death threats, and he was ultimately arrested.In 1956, a court ruling finally banned all segregation on buses, making King a new face of black …show more content…

was killed atop a balcony at motel in Tennessee. A few hours previous to his death he had made a speech claiming to have seen the promised land and was not afraid of any man. He was shot just after calling down to one of his friends, his last words telling him to play a song at an event he was to attend. The bullet entered through his right cheek breaking his jaw, then travelled down his spinal cord before stopping in his shoulder blade. He passed away in the hospital, after being rushed there by medical personnel.

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