Martin Luther King Research Paper

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Standing Up for what is Right
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. When most Americans hear that name the first thing that comes to mind is his “Dream”. But that is not all he was. His life was more than a fight against segregation, it was segregation. He lived it and overcame it to not only better himself but to prove it could be done and to better his fellow man.
Dr. King was born the son of Reverend Martin Luther King, Sr, a devout Christian who would raise his son to be so as well. Dr. King skipped ninth and twelfth grade and went on to Morehouse College at the age of fifteen. He graduated in 1948 with a B. A. degree in Sociology. He then went on to attend Crozer Theological Seminary and received his B. Div. degree in 1951. In 1953, he married Coretta Scott and in 1955 he graduated Boston University with a Ph. D. in Systematic Theology. By this point in his life, he was also the pastor of the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church.
Over the course of his life, Dr. King would lead and participate in multiple non-violent protests against segregation. On the first of December, 1955, the arrest of Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama would trigger the first of many protests led by King. The Montgomery bus boycott would last for 385 days and was so tense that King’s house was bombed. He was later arrested and released after the United States District Courts ruled that segregation on all Montgomery public buses was illegal. This paved the way for King to lead many more protests in his life and becoming a major leader in the desegregation movement.
In April of 1963 the Southern Christian Leaders Conference (SCLC) organized a campaign against segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. African Americans in Birmingham in part with the SCLC arrang...

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...lfill the promise of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Many remember parts of the speech, but this part is seldom quoted and to me is the most telling about his life and movement. "But there is something that I must say to my people who stand on the warm threshold which leads into the palace of justice. In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred". We cannot know what direction the civil rights struggle would have taken had Dr. King not been assassinated, but I believe there would be less resentment and polarization today. I know he would have done everything possible to keep the family unit in the African-American community together because he knew the value of an intact family to the success of the children.

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