Should Unions: Should Teachers Be Paid?

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This is a very tough question to answer. The article above gives great viewpoints to both sides of the topic, and convincing arguments to support their side. One the one hand, unions help give teachers an increase in pay, better working conditions, and other benefits like liability insurance and low-interest credit cards. All these make it sound like unions are a great way to improve the living conditions of teachers, and they will help them in times of crisis when their job may be on the line. On the other hand, unions support pay scale balances purely on the years spend teaching or years of education. In no way, shape, or form are teachers rewarded for hard work and good teaching ethics. They may be very dedicated and enthusiastic about teaching, but their pay is only …show more content…

Just because a teacher has been in a position for a greater amount of time, or has a higher level of education, doesn’t mean they automatically have the dedication and enthusiastic ability that teachers need in order to produce good students. Enthusiasm and dedication are both self-taught skills that one cannot learn simply by completing more school or staying in a position for a longer amount of time. Teaching unions are in place for job security also. They will defend the hiring and firing system based on seniority, as one could argue that schools would simply get rid of the more experienced teachers as they have accumulated more pay of the years. But this could also lead to more problems. Again, schools are forced to keep teachers that have taught longer rather than keeping the teacher that is best for the position. This leads to the conservation of potentially bad teachers. When it comes to my opinion on to whose side do I agree with, I would say it depends on the situation. Being a teacher is still a form of

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