Early Childhood Education: The Early Years by Becky Glasson Lee

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Teacher Paper Teachers and theorists have played a huge role through out history. There are those that have dedicated their lives to learning and investing in tools and strategies to help children succeed and grow with their development. There are those that have created schools, programs and set standards for teachers that are even used in todays school systems. This gives teachers the opportunity to adapt to any personality and give that child the best care and education they deserve. With that being said, there is a lot of weight that can be on a teachers shoulders but people may often overlook these very important people. The pay may not be the best in this particular field, but that is not the reason they do what they do. This specific group loves children and love what they do. The reward for them is seeing that child succeed no matter how young or small they may be. These amazing folks are sometimes even labeled heroes for the impact they can really do in a young persons life. They are changing peoples lives with the investment they make everyday. With teachers investing in children's lives in the beginning with programs like Head Start and Pre-Kindergarten, America will have and has seen brilliant and successful people. After reading in depth about how important education is this semester, it seems that the more children who participate in high quality early education programs and are exposed to academics early in life, are more encouraged to be involved and to participate in activities that will help them grow into nurturing adults with successful careers in the future. Who would be behind this success? Teachers. When working with children at any age it is best for the student if the teacher really loves what they do... ... middle of paper ... ...s for my child as well. If they grasp the love for school at a young age then the journey of schooling will be much easier for my child and the family. I am thankful for those that have dedicated their lives to investing in education for children. The work that these theorists did when they were alive are still being used today. Maria Montessori was one with the use of child furniture to the children supplies. Friedrich Froebel opened the door for women to teach by having training for them and now we have many women teachers. Those are just a couple of examples of what these people took the time to invest in really did matter. The future of America is in the hands of our teachers and they all no matter what their title is deserve more credit. Works Cited Lee, B. G. (2008). Early Childhood Education: The Early Years. California : National Social Science Press .

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