Should Tattoos Be Allowed In The Workplace Essay

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Should Tattoos Be Accepted in the Workplace I am hoping to shine some light on the history of tattoos, where they originated, how peoples views of tattoos have changed throughout the years, and hope to explain how they are viewed today in our society. It should not be about your appearance but about your capabilities of doing the job! Americans in the workplace should be for tattoos in the workplace because having tattoos is a form of self expression and in some cultures, tattoos are used to show status and gain respect. Tattoos and body modifications have been around for many generations. They first began in 3370 BC and were used by Europeans and Egyptians. Both tattoos and body modifications are defined as a cultural representation of …show more content…

People with tattoos and piercings are classified as uneducated, less qualified, lazy, irresponsible, and even defined as delinquents. This is simply prejudice and biased. There are so many employees today, including doctors, lawyers, teachers, and even businessmen, who have tattoos and/or piercings, and are qualified to successfully complete the tasks they are given on a daily basis. Whether these people had tattoos or not, each individual would have the same educations and same work ethic. If someone who had tattoos and/or piercings was serving a customer, and this customer knew the employee had tattoos, the service would be no different if the customer did not know. This clearly shows that having tattoos and modifications in the workplace is not a negative thing. However, in Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi’s article they state that Dr. Elzweig advises, “Employees need to use discretion in the workplace. In addition, employers need to recognize that the paradigm is shifting and that body modifications are becoming more mainstream” (Texas A&M University-Corpus

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