Should Children Be Allowed To Get Paid Parental Leave

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Disability insurance, whether short-term or long-term, should provide some income replacement for maternity leave as with any other disability. The birth of a child creates a necessary medical leave. According to your physician, you cannot drive for up to 2 weeks, you cannot lift anything heavier than your baby as well as other constraints. Most policies have a 30-day elimination period before payments begin. If you have only 6 weeks’ parental leave, then a disability policy would not be worth it since it would only cover 2 weeks of income payments. Some argue that the paid parental leave is bad for a company because it will cause a loss in productivity and it is expensive to businesses. Also, it is unfair to employees who do not have children. When an employee takes parental leave it has a big affect on a business and its …show more content…

The only objection mentioned above that I have not addresses is the fairness to employees who do not have children to have a paid parental leave policy. Would this be considered discriminatory? I do not believe that it is discriminatory at all for the following reasons. The people who do not have children live in a society full of children who are products of parental leave. Therefore, they benefit from the improved behavior of children that comes along with parental leave. Also, their lives may be made better or even saved by a child who was given a healthy stable home and grew up to create or invent something life changing. Perhaps a cure for cancer or the invented the iPhone. What would we do without our iPhone? Maybe if parents were not given the benefit of parental leave they would have chosen not to have this child. Therefore, the whole world would have missed out on this child’s contribution to society. Also, as these individuals retire, we will need productive young citizens to pay taxes and support the

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