Maternal Leave: The Benefits Of Family Leave

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Family Leave is time off from work with pay to care for another family member, give birth and take care of a new baby, or recover from illness. North Carolina also gives employees the right to take time off domestic violence leave and children’s school activities. Family Leave is very similar to parental or maternal leave. Maternal leave is the period of time where new mothers take off from work following the birth of her baby. Paternal leave is the period of time where new fathers take off from work following the adoption or birth of a child. Family leave is a mixture of both maternal and paternal leave. Family leave has also more to do than just the birth or adoption of a child.
Family leave has many benefits to children and the family. Rossin (2011) states, “[family] leave may affect the amount of time a child spends with his mother rather than in non-maternal care. [family] leave will also affect the quality of time the child spends with the mother, depending on changes to her stress level and her satisfaction with the trajectory of her career. The quantity and quality of time a mother spends with her child in his first year of life matter for the child's well-being” …show more content…

Kaufman, Lyonette, and Crompton (2010) explain that in Britain, family leave is short and offers low income replacement; while in the United States, family leave applies to some fathers and is unpaid (p. 322). After researching, Kaufman, Lyonette, and Crompton (2010) find “British fathers benefit from a policy that provided one week paid leave in the recent past and currently offers two weeks (partially) paid leave. American fathers know less about family leave policy, and even for those who are aware of FMLA, they are aware that it is unpaid” (p. 336). Research also showed that British fathers took one week of paid leave. American fathers had to deal with unpaid leave and used vacation days to take time

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