Childcare: The Non-Parental Care of Children While Parents are Absent

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Childcare is widely known as the regular non-parental care of children while parents are absent. Many reasons like work, studying or just having a break from raising children push parents to the use of child day care. But with the increase of both parents, especially mothers, opting to go back to work sooner rather than later after having children, demand for child day care is increasing accordingly. This increase has initiated much research into the short and long term emotional, cognitive and social behavioural patterns of children receiving non-parental care. A number of studies focused on the mother- infant relationship and the effect of child care on the development of such relationship (Belsky, 1989; Lamb, Sternberg, & Prodromidis, 1992). Attachment theory indicates that a secure relation formation between child and caregiver is important for the child to develop flexible behavioural system and adapt easily to new situations. Bowlby (quoted by Lamb, Sternberg, & Prodromidis) summarised that attachments form around middle of the first year and are strengthened later in the year. It comes as no surprise that studies done by Barglow, Vaughn, & Molitor (1987); Belsky & Rovine (1988); Vaughn, Gove, & Egeland, (1980) , as quoted by Egeland & Heister (1995), reported that entry of infants before 12 months of age to child day care is linked to increased risk of insecure-avoidant attachment. Assessments were based on Ainsworth’s Strange Situation (Ainswoth, Blehar, Water, & Wall, 1978) to measure the infant-mother attachment. While these children might not reject attention from parents, they also did not seek comfort, showing no preference between a parent and a complete stranger. It is evident that when using the Strange Situatio... ... middle of paper ... is recommended but with more inclusion of both family environment and child day care variables. Children from advantaged families attending child day care recorded a slight positive or negative effect intellectually. While children from what is considered economically disadvantaged families benefited from child day care centre attendances (Belsky & Steinberg). These children recorded higher score results on standard tests when compared to disadvantaged children who do not attend child day care. The child care experience seemed to reduce the low test scores usually associated with disadvantaged population. However standard tests used were considered not enough to predict intellectual development. The research stressed an importance for more research on the cognitive effects of child day care using observation in everyday situation not just standardised tests.

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