Early Learning The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the issue of Preschool to determine if children who participate in structured preschool programs are more successful in kindergarten or first grade. There are a few types of preschool programs. First there are structured preschool programs that focus on emphasizing an actual school setting and classroom activities in order to prepare the child for kindergarten or first grade. There are also day care centers, which are not as structured as preschool centers. Daycare’s focus mainly on child’s development through social interaction with children and caregivers. Then there are head start programs that are geared to give children a foot in the right direction in order to be ready for preschool or kindergarten. The right kind of childcare can be a wonderful opportunity to promote the profound learning children experience from birth through age five (Selecting child care, 2002). When selecting childcare for your child the foundation of early learning has offered some tips that they believe will be helpful in the process. The foundation says that parents have always known that good early experience was important for their child. Now scientist and researchers are confirming how critical these first years of life are to your child’s healthy development (Selecting child care, 2002). Because the brain matures in the world rather than in the womb, the brain growth and development of infants and young children is deeply affected by their earliest experiences. In a childcare environment the relationship your child has with the caregiver will also affect how that child feels about himself and the world around him and as he grows up (Selecting child care, 2002). I ... ... middle of paper ... ...s longitudinal studies. Bibliography Black, Jeffrey. (1991). School Readiness [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 27, 2003, from http://www.schoolhealth.org/ready.htm Codding, Karen. (n.d.). Test of Kindergarten and First Grade Readiness Skills. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 20, 2003, from http://www.steoltingco.com/tests/catolog/TKFGRS.htm Anderson, Jeanne. (2002). Selecting Child Care. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 21, 2003, from http://earlylearning.org/KC/Parents.htm#care Zill, Nicholas. (1995). School Readiness and Children’s Development Status.Eric Digest. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 21, 2003, from http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC McKey, Al. (1985). School Readiness and Children’s Development Status.Eric Digest. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 21, 2003, from http://www.ericfacility.net/databases/ERIC
The Child Development Center of College of San Mateo provides early care and educational programs for children between the ages of 3 to 5 years old. Children are divided into classrooms with a “master” teacher, a “regular” teacher, and two or three “associate” teachers. Klara attended Classroom, “A,” a stimulating and well-resourced classroom. Klara was observed for two hours on Monday from 9 am to 11 am and for two hours on Wednesday from 9 am to 11 am. During these two hours, classroom activities consisted of “free time,” “story time,” and an outside “play time.” A “master” teacher, a “regular” teacher, and two “associate” teachers were present during observations. Additionally, a total of eighteen children were in attendance during the observed days.
Another factor parents may not look into when finding a preschool is the curriculum that will be taught. “Despite decades of federal, state, and local programs intended to support young children’s preparation for schooling, children from low-income families continue to begin formal schooling at a disadvant...
Preschool Programs Tread Thin Budget Ice. Education Week, 28(35), 18-22. Tejada, E. (2010). The 'Secondary'. The Promise of Preschool: From Head Start to Universal Pre-Kindergarten.
Children who participate in quality early learning programs tend to be more successful later in school. They are also most socially and emotionally competent. In addition those children show higher verbal and intellectual development during early childhood than children who do not participate in early learning programs (A Parent’s Guide to Choosing Quality Child Care). In order for a child care center to be a quality center they must have an educated staff, a program accreditation, and good health and safety practices. Parents choose high quality child care for many reasons. These programs prepare children for school in which they gain intellectual and social skills. Also the programs are a good opportunity for children because they receive age-appropriate learning materials and activities to let the children learn and grow.
Poverty affects a child’s educational outcomes beginning in the earliest years of life, both directly and indirectly. School readiness has been recognized as playing a unique role in escape from poverty in the United States and increasingly in developing countries. The driving forces in poverty are Survival, relationships, and entertainment. These are critical elements that make up the poverty alleviation strategy. This essay reviews the interventions needed to improve school readiness of children in poverty, and provides recommendations for helping them further their driving forces.
The Waldorf Approach Preschool is a highly debated area of a child’s educational journey. One of the primary goals of preschool is to prep the child for traditional elementary school. There are various contemporary models of early education that have been constructed to help children develop their educational career. A few examples of these models are the Bank Street Approach, The Reggio Emilia Approach, The Montessori Approach, and the Head Start Program just to name a few. The Waldorf approach is the program of discussion in this particular paper.
The results of quality preschool programs can be seen early after they begin. Children learn many important life le...
McWayne, C., Cheung, K., Green Wright, L. E., & Hahs-Vaughn, D. L. (2012). Patterns of school readiness among head start children: Meaningful within-group variability during the transition to kindergarten. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104(3), 862-878. doi: 1939-2176
Snow, C. E. (2008). Early childhood assessment why, what, and how. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.
At preschool, they become exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes. And, more important, they learn how to socialize -- get along with other children, share, contribute to circle time."
This aspect of the article is significant as it clearly explains the steps necessary to create an alignment between preschool and kindergarten. First, the preschool should implement kindergarten classroom visits and integrate kindergarten policies into their classroom in an effort to prepare the children for what is expected of them. Next,
This question interest me because my four and a half year old will be starting preschool in two weeks, currently he is with a baby sitter during the day at her house. After searching for the right preschool for him and seeing children younger than him there made me question if I should have started him in preschool sooner. With so many interests in early childhood development, I believe there will be a lot of information on this topic. This topic is my first topic of choice because of how close the topic effects my family. I am very interested to read all the information I will find through my research.
Early childhood education plays a key role in a child’s academic development because he or she learns soft skills, job skills, and develop positive traits. Preschool is not like kindergarten, but instead a stepping-stone that prepares young students for the years of schooling they will have later in life. As more schools began to open families wanted to be able to verify that programs would benefit and protect their children. In response, the National Association for the Education of Young Children was made to help families find the best care for their children, by providing the early childhood educators with training and ensuring the quality of children’s daily experiences. (“NAEYC”5).
Zachry, Elizabeth M., and Emily Schneider. "Building Foundations for Student Readiness: A Review of Rigorous Research and Promising Trends in Developmental Education. An NCPR Working Paper." ERIC - Education Resources Information Center. National Center for Postsecondary Research, Paper prepared for the NCPR Developmental Education Conference, 24 Sept. 2010. Web. 25 Apr. 2014.