Sherman Alexie Superman And Me Summary

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Sherman Alexie illustrates through the short story, “The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me,” how he developed the same reading and writing skills taught in a classroom solely from a Superman comic book. Alexie’s situation was unique from not only non-Indians but Indians as well. Alexie’s family was not privileged, which was the case for most of the people who lived on the Indian reservation. They, Indians, had access to very limited resources which ceased any aspirations they had at being successful. Alexie, as a young Indian boy, was not supposed to be educated by the societal norms expressed of his era. However, Alexie refused to fall victim to a stereotypical uneducated Indian boy. As a product of an Indian reservation, Sherman Alexie informs his audience, mostly dedicated to Indian children that he did not fail simply because of the joy he had for reading and writing. Although his family was financially challenged, Alexie managed to get his hands on a new book every time he finished one. It began with his father’s love …show more content…

It was dangerous, according to societal standards, to be an educated Indian, or even an educated minority. In a society where you were destined to fail it was not abnormal for Alexie not to be recognized. The children knew they would be ridiculed so they would play the role of the dumb Indian while at school. Outside of school they would display themselves to be more educated than they gave themselves credit for. This behavior was widely expected of Indians and accepted by non-Indians: everyone but Sherman Alexie. His motivation to succeed encompassed his life, in high school he chose public schools over the reservation. Sherman Alexis still suffered from the same ridicule but the difference between him and his peers is that he would not let that interfere with his objective to prove to the society that Indians can be educated,

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