Servant Leadership Values Essay

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When stepping into a leadership role, one must have values, morals, and standards. These characteristics are not taught but developed over time. Servant Leaders must be happy with one self in order to leader others or having the expectations of having followers to develop them in to future leaders or believe in. One must have the characteristics of courage, humility, competency, mentoring, decision making, citizenship, and reflection. Being an educator or role model requires having the skills of a servant leadership is important. Creating the Foundation-Basic Values Being in a leadership role requires more than having values but it must start with the foundation. Followers or those that are being led by me must believe that I can stand up for what I believe in and hold on to my beliefs as well as show acts of kindness. They must have faith in me in order to believe in my abilities. With the courage comes competency, which requires …show more content…

Raising community awareness to students will teach them the importance of being involved in the community. Students being able to give back to the community will prepare them for their journey to being a positive role model or servant leader. Impact of My Contributions The impact of my contributions in a servant leadership role, will show the results of me standing on my personal faith and beliefs. My convictions are very strong. I want my students to have just as faith in me as they do in themselves. The impact of courage, hopefully teaches them to have integrity and humility. Servant leaders often emulate other leaders that they admire and look to for guidance. Being a good role model also teaches students. Being a leader will require a lot of listening. My followers will look for answers to the questions that they have. Listening and problem solving will be require a large amount of

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