Sending Your Child to a Day Care Center

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Sending Your Child to a Day Care Center


Sending your child to day care is a tough decision to make. Parents most look into various ideas when picking a day care center. They also must think about what is best for their child’s development whether it be social, physical or cognitive. There are various pros and cons to sending your child to day care and decide if it is right for your child and family.

“As they stepped into Ms. Couchon's office, the mother, a nurse, burst into tears. Her husband, a software engineer, had just lost his job,” she explained, leaving the family strapped. “I gave her a hug and let her cry,” Ms. Couchon says. She also refused the mother's request to drop her two preschoolers from the center's roster, telling her she would cut their tuition until her husband got a new job.” (Shellenbarger, 2000).

Parents want to send their children to daycare even though it costs them a great deal of money. It is hard to tell if parents should send their children because of how expensive it is. Parents are even becoming stressed that the child day care centers are taking care of the parents as well as the children. There are many things to consider when deciding if you are going to send your child to day care or not.

As shown in the situation above, there is a great deal of stress and money that comes along with sending your child to daycare. At Needham Heights KinderCare, in Massachusetts, where Ms. Couchon is the director, parents walk in to soothing classical music in the reception area. They are even encouraged to take a few minutes to relax, knowing how stressed they are. There are phone calls that are made during her lunch hour for paren...

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...local variation. Children & Society, 15(3) pp170-181. Retreived March 27, 2004 from Acedemic Search Premier.

Sethi, A. (n.d.). The Daycare Dilemma. Retrieved May 6, 2004, from /article/0,19451,9367,00.html

Shellenbarger, S. (Apr 9, 2000). Now, Day-Care Centers Have Started Helping Stressed Parents, Too. The Wall Street Journal, pp B1. Retrieved March 27, 2004 from

Yan, W. & Lin, Q. (2004, February 24). The effect of Kindergarten program types and class size on early academic performance. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 12(7). Retrieved March 26, 2004 from

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