Kindergarten Becoming More Academic, Reports Suggest Summary

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In the article “Kindergarten Becoming More Academic, Reports Suggest” by Raymond Scott, there is said to be complaints about how kindergarten students are being held accountable of too high a standard when it comes to academics. The kindergarten that we once “considered to be an introduction to play, cooperation, and social skill” has now hardened its atmosphere and cracked down on the teaching of subjects such as literacy and mathematics where teachers are holding their students to first grade level learning standards (Scott, 2016). In the past two decades’ kindergarten educators have focused more on preparing students to test, to become familiar with structure, and use academic skill building in the classroom. There are oppositions on the …show more content…

In this new generation of learners there are many children who seem to have some form of learning disability that requires them to need some form of extra attention and assistance or uses a certain type of learning preference which would be an understandable reasoning as to why parents would complain at the increased academic expectations. While there may be less “play time” in the everyday schedule in the classroom, children are being prepared for their future and are being set up for a successful academic career. The young minds of kindergartens students are easily molded to learn whatever is being taught to them, which is why social interaction and development is so important for them to endure at this age. Due to their easily molded minds, the higher standard of academics that they are being held accountable is actually helping them to learn to work hard at receiving an education and can be way to teach them to learn to like the learning process. Society has softened its structure and demand from students by making excuses and requiring less of their academics as a whole, so when a topic like intensifying academics at a younger age is brought up it shows that there are people who just trying to make an attempt in improving the education

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