Self Essay: The Self-Exploration Of The Self

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Exploration of the Self The self is as incredible complex part of our being. It twists and sways, never constant. We all look at ourselves in a different light. None of us may be perfectly alike, but we do share similar attributes that connect us. With are common attributes we can put our self into different categorize. Looking at some aspects of people can help us determine other aspects that commonly go along with them. Tests like a “who am I” test or self-monitoring test can give us insight to who we are and why we do what we do. It is important for us understand who we are in order to grasp society as a hole. Following the “Who am I?” test, my scores primarily resided with the B group. According to the text book I “Tend to act in a socially effective and responsible ways, fulfilling the …show more content…

The characteristics that seem to match up with me from the quiz is that I “Convincingly regulate and control my self-presentation in whatever appropriate way fits my current situation.” I can highly relate to this because of my ability to adapt to different situations on a whim. As stated earlier this ability allows me to fit into whatever environment that I may find myself in. Reading over the data it reads that a high self-monitor “Report that they say and do does not necessarily reflect what they really believe.” This I find completely not “me”. I consider myself firm in my beliefs and values. I clearly stand by them and don’t let popular opinion change them, only facts and reason could do that. To be honest, I don’t find Snyder’s theory useful what so ever. I already know who I am and I don’t need it explained to me in some technical terms. The data is useless in providing any new truths and is a waste of time to bother conducting such as quiz on people. I also find the self much more complicated than a couple questions on paper and could not possible figure someone out with

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