Science Fair Project Schedule

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Greetings! We're two-thirds of the way done with the semester - time is flying! We accomplished a lot this week and have a bunch of new stuff coming up. Be sure to read below and check your CH B guide carefully to make sure you don't miss anything! DEVOTION: Mr. Markel led us in a devotion on discretion (Proverbs 22:3). Next week, Ms. Jones is up to talk about tolerance (Philippians 2:2). Going forward, I'd like for the presenter to share (1) a definition of the character trait, (2) relevant Scripture they found, and (3) one to three questions to ask the class about applying the trait in their lives. The goal is for our devotion time to be more discussion-oriented, and facilitated primarily by the student leader. LATIN: We continued in Lesson 9 (conjugating verbs). This coming week, you will be in Lessons 9 and 10. In …show more content…

186) details what you are to be doing every week. Be very familiar with this document, and let me know if you have (2) Decide on the topic of your science fair project. Identify what problem you will investigate. If you need ideas, check out (3) As you find information online (e.g., or in books or articles during your research, make sure you are writing your notes in your own words and not copying text verbatim or so similarly that you risk plagiarizing material. (4) Using the Sample Research Plan/Paper Template (pg. 184-185 in the Guide), draft your Research Problem. This is a brief description (1-2 paragraphs) of the problem you will research. (5) Take a look at the Judge's Form (p. 187) for additional direction on what you should be including in your project. I will give everyone a log book on Monday. You will use this to record basically everything you are doing on your project going forward. Parents, you can also check out the tutorials for Science Fair on CC Connected in the research strand. CURRENT

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