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Christian view on suffering
The concept of suffering
The concept of suffering
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Recommended: Christian view on suffering
After reading Salvifici Doloris and Power of the Powerless, my personal philosophy regarding the role of suffering is that it can generally be used as a tool to strengthen individuals or large groups of people through solidarity and empathy in the community; however, while suffering can bring solidarity, it can also break those undergoing the stress of suffering as well as people around the person in pain as they are shut out from the lives of the sufferer; moreover, the physical and spiritual suffering will most likely stem from the result of physical and/or moral misconduct, but that does not make the suffering bad because it is a consequence that results in the sufferer growing a reluctance to commit the same error again. Suffering requires …show more content…
Patience is the key to understanding one’s suffering at the time of suffering because if you act irrationally, then you will suffer a greater consequence than the one you are experience now, and faith is the key to understanding suffering before you are afflicted with it because with faith, you realize whether or not you have committed a sin and probably of you receiving an adverse effect from the act.
If more people lived by the message of Power of the Powerless and Salvifici Doloris , there would be less angst directed towards and there would less people questioning the existence of God and why He does not punish evildoers or why suffering fell upon an individual. This is why I found the section pertaining to the Good Samaritan to be the most intriguing.
Is suffering necessary? Yes, whether as a focal point in a community or as part of an ultimatum. Can suffering lead to people to Christ? Yes, but it can also create angst towards God within the sufferer, which leads an increase in the divide between God and the sufferer. My philosophy on suffering has changed from “fire and brimstone without a purpose” to directed and conditional chaos that has always has a beneficial aspect as long as the sufferer is willing to find
suffering hurts man spirit is does more good then constant happiness and power. We have to beat
paper. It will be argued that the extent to which those are suffering does, in fact, vary, and that others have continued on with their lives with little to no effect at all.
The human experience is what connects people to one another. What we experience defines who we are and who we become. It also defines how we interact with others. The amazing thing is that not only do the events that bring joy, peace and happiness connect us but also those that bring anxiety, fear and despair. This brings to light the fact that God somehow in his sovereignty uses all things for the good of those who love Him. These ideas are brought to light in Jerry Sittser’s book, A Grace Disguised which is his personal journey of loss and the insight and experience that was gained in the face of great tragedy. In his book, Sittser discusses various insights he has gained, such as how Christian’s view sorrow, how families recover when someone they love develops a mental disorder, and the Christian view on suffering and forgiveness. I believe that the author has written a book that has many universal truths that can be applied to anyone’s life and they have the ability to bring healing to many. His ideas can also aid professionals who work with the mentally ill in becoming more compassionate.
And indeed, suffering, lack of safety, is unavoidable, and also necessary for some things. "When I was downstairs before, on my way here, listening to that woman sing, it struck me all of a sudden how much suffering she must have had to go through. It's repulsive to think you have to suffer that much" (65). But we do. Everyone does. In fact, "There's no way not to suffer" (65). We are never safe from it.
Suffering is apart of life, just like joy and love is. We can never choose how life treats us but we can always choose how we react and get back up again. Through Fever 1793 we see up close and personal how suffering can affect us, and how sometimes it can affect us in positive ways. How suffering can help turn the page to the next chapter in our lives. How suffering doesn’t always mean losing but also gaining.
...through it. Each religion agrees that suffering happens to everyone and it is a part of life to learn to deal with the suffering, and the various religions try to put a positive spin on suffering, so to make it easier to live with. They stress faith, faith that suffering and anguish will bring a lesson, or other positive outcome.
In this essay I am going to briefly tell you what Judaism says about the concept of suffering and then I?m going to attempt explaining the two main explanations!
But suffering is not always a result of sin as we see with Job. In most cases, those who are sinners suffer little while those who are good suffer much. Many people see this as a stumbling block for Christian and ask why God allows suffering. Instead of us asking ourselves “why me” we might be better off asking “why not me.” God often uses suffering to produce righteous character in believers. Sometimes He wants those who suffer to be more dependent upon Him. It may be that He is trying to get our attention. We might even be sinning; however, we cannot always equate suffering with sin in those who love the Lord as we see with Job’s
Pain and suffering is something that we all would like to never experience in life, but is something that is inevitable. “Why is there pain and suffering in the world?” is a question that haunts humanity. Mother Teresa once said that, “Suffering is a gift of God.” Nevertheless, we would all like to go without it. In the clinical setting, pain and suffering are two words that are used in conjunction.
I agree with Schopenhauer that suffering is a part of human and animal life. If we are realistic, life is not all sunshine and rainbows. There are times where we feel disconnected with other people and with our spirit. I believe it is the reason why we sometimes feel miserable at times, because we dwell on the past and look forward to the future; we spend too much time thinking about it that it brings pain. Another reason I support Schopenhauer’s belief is when he states that “our existence is to pay a price of our sin” (p 51). Perhaps the author meant that as humans purpose in life is to realize our sin and our pains. We have to learn how to deal with suffering because it is a part of life because even though we avoid pain, it already comes with our everyday actions and
The concept of suffering plays an important role in Christianity, regarding such matters as moral conduct, spiritual advancement and ultimate destiny. Indeed an emphasis on suffering pervades the Gospel of Mark where, it can be argued, we are shown how to "journey through suffering" (Ditzel 2001) in the image of the "Suffering Son of Man" (Mark 8:32), Jesus Christ. Although theologians have suggested that Mark was written to strengthen the resolve of the early Christian community (Halpern 2002, Mayerfeld 2005), the underlying moral is not lost on a modern reader grappling with multifarious challenges regarding faith in the face of suffering. In his article "A Christian Response to Suffering", William Marravee (1987) describes suffering as an "experience over which we men and women continue to stumble and fall". The way we view God is crucial to the way we view suffering according to Marravee, who delineates the disparity between a view of God as an ‘outsider’ and the biblical image of God – where God is an ‘insider’ who suffers with us in our struggle. This essay seeks to explain the Christian view of suffering and the purpose suffering can have in our lives.
Suffering can be defined as an experience of discomfort suffered by a person during his life. The New York Times published an article entitled what suffering does, by David Brooks (2014). In this article, Brooks explains how suffering plays an important role in our pursuit of happiness. He explains firstly that happiness is found through experiences and then, suffering can also be a motivation in our pursuit of happiness. In other words, suffering is a fearful but necessary gift to acquire happiness. This paper is related to motivation and emotion, two keys words to the pursuit of happiness (King, 2010).
What will you do now? Will you fall down before your Creator and worship? Or will you listen to the voices in your ear that accuse God, and then get angry at Him? Will you worship or will you curse?” – Suffering gives you a chance to prove to yourself and to God that you really want Him. That when you go to church on Sunday or when you pray in the morning, you do not do it out of a routine but that you truly mean it. In another book, Bob Sorge wrote about intimacy with God, he said, “God-worshipers are those who come to God first in their time of need. They seek God’s face and wait on Him to receive directives for the course to take. The secret place becomes the threshold where we wait upon God, seeking His powerful intervention, and crying out to Him for wisdom and
I think suffering should be expected in life because it would allow people to adjust their unrealistic expectations about living a happy and healthy life. Life is constantly changing, and sometimes shit hits the fan, so you have to learn to accept and deal with it. I have been so much happier with my life once I realized that people are not supposed to be happy or content twenty-four seven. I also learned firsthand that our suffering ends or gets better when we lose our attachments and/or cravings. The Eight Fold Path is a set of recommendations for how to reach Nirvana and I follow all of them except for ‘Right Contemplation’. According to Buddhism, one must abstain from mild altering substances to maintain a clear mind. I believe we should be able to drink Jack Daniels (in moderation) because it allows a congested mind to breathe. It would be absolutely incredible to reach Nirvana. Like Confucianism, I believe the relationships we have with people are extremely important. I almost feel like my relationships are part of my identity because of the role I play. I am a mother, daughter, older sister, ‘super longtime girlfriend’ and those roles make up who I am and guide my life’s purposes. I also believe that people are born somewhat bad and selfish and need guidance to live a virtuous
1a&b. According to our lecture, the idea of our life is nothing but suffering comes from one of the four noble truth - Pali Dukkha - “This is dukkha: birth is painful, aging is painful, sickness is painful, death is painful, encountering what is not dear is painful, separation from what is dear is painful, not getting what one wants is painful. This psycho-physical condition is painful.” (Mv.I) said by Gotama, these painful things causing us to suffer. Those suffering are not our subjective experiences but part of the fundamental nature of our world (Knickelbine, M. 2011). In Buddhism, there are many kinds of suffering, we can categorize them into 8 types in 3 catalog. The three catalogs are – inherited suffering, suffering between the