The Importance Of Suffering

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Suffering can seem like the end of all ends or it can seem like your heart wants to break. In the end our hearts do not completely break or rip from our body. We can use suffering as a learning tool and a tool to strengthen who we are in life. I will discuss how my own suffering has allowed me to thrive in life and continue on without falter. I will also discuss how I believe God and religion plays a part within the role of suffering. Lastly, I will discuss how forgiving your arch enemy can be more beneficial then drowning in revenge. In summary, suffering is natural in life but each person in the world can either flourish or sink in despair but the benefits of using suffering to grow in this world is more rewarding then drowning.
To allow you to put aside the pain and suffering takes a tremendous amount of will power. I always feel amazed by the people who can easily forgive when they have been wronged. I think that learning to give the gift of forgiveness can mature and alters a person life in many of areas. I believe that the will power to forgive disables the strength that one’s adversities have over them. Once you can get past the hatred, sorrow, and pain you open your soul up for spiritual directions in areas that you were not aware that were there before. This allows you to become a better person when you can give a precious gift that your enemy never expected. Frankl wrote that “ The way in which a man accepts his fate and all that suffering it entails the way in which he takes up his cross, gives him ample opportunity –even under the most difficult circumstances to add deeper meaning to his life (CITE). Frankl understood that suffering does not always have to be negative but it is in the way we take in our suffering and use it to strengthen us. Sometimes that gift of forgiveness can change the route your enemy was following in life. You give them a gift of forgiveness which allows them to have a role model to follow. In the end forgiveness can be powerful to alter the life’s of both the person who did wrong and who they did wrong

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