Essay On Adhd

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Definition Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known as ADHD, is an increasingly common neurological condition that usually becomes apparent in the childhood years and can continue into adulthood for some individuals. The most common symptoms describing ADHD include inattentiveness, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Although this symptoms at first glance describe your everyday child, your psychiatrist will be looking for habits and behaviors that are on the extreme end for someone of their age. Since ADHD can be commonly misinterpreted as other problems it is very important that a licensed health professional analyze your child and gather all necessary details before diagnosing them with any neurological disorder. Symptoms Inattention …show more content…

Unless they are doing something that they consider “entertaining”, individuals with ADHD which quickly and frequently switch between tasks with no obvious habits or tendencies being prevalent. Children suffering from ADHD also tend to struggle when asked to learn something new. Sometimes this can be as subtle as your child not grasping new information as quickly as their peers. In adults ADHD at the workplace usually results in an inability to organize themselves on a daily basis and constantly failing to meet deadlines imposed on them. Hyperactivity Although more prevalent in younger ADHD sufferers, hyperactivity can also be found in individuals well into their adult years. These individuals can best be described as always moving, seeming as if they are running on an unlimited supply of energy. They find it extremely difficult to sit still or perform tasks in environments that are silent. If put in a quiet environment individuals with start fidgeting and get up and start walking around with an almost automatic need to interact with everything in their field of vision.

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