Reflection On Human Relations

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Human Relations I most definitely agree with my test results. Ever since I was really little I have taken personality tests and I always get ESTJ. It very accurately describes how I feel and think. Since I really like being around people and socializing, I got an E for extraverted. This fits me quite well, I gain energy from being around others rather than being alone. As for the S I got sensing because I focus on the facts and tangible things in life, not on theories and impractical ideas. Concrete concepts and figures are much easier to understand than symbolic ideas and issues. I received a T for thinking because I use logic and reason to make decisions instead of getting emotionally involved. I pride myself on being able to look at situations When in the workplace my time management and organizational skills will make me an asset to my employers and encourage better relationships (DuBrin, 2014, p. 250). Also being able to quickly get to the core issues will help me when dealing with my coworkers. Some of the traits that might hinder work place relationships would be the tendency to criticize and critique others instead of praising them for what they are doing right. Another would be not listening to the ideas or opinions of my coworkers, I tend to get wrapped up in what I think will or is the best and forget to hear what those around me have to say. Another area I need to work on is being a team player (DuBrin, 2014, p. 261). Being there for and supporting those I work with is important yet something I struggle with. I tend to want to do things on my own but I need to learn to share what we’re working on, and treat them like team members. ESTJ’s also tend to be quite judgmental and assume things before they know for sure, it is important that I make sure to have all the details before making coming to a

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