Reflection Of Elementary Education: My Journey In Elementary Education

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My journey in Elementary education thus far has been tremendous. I went from being extremely fearful to being hopeful. Elementary education program at the university has altered my outlook of education in institution across the globe. The contents and concepts I have studied and mastered through the courses have significantly shaped my perspective in education and educators. To begin, I was baffled by the term “Academic language”. I thought this phrase was not significant; however, after listening to the speaker in class, I appreciated this component. The speaker defined academic language as, “Language of schooling-Unique ways in which we structure and use language in school based settings and tasks”. I have been keen on observing academic …show more content…

In chapter seven, Lemov discusses multiple ways teachers can use to build ratio through questioning. He reasons, “although participation is necessary, it is insufficient b itself”(Lemov, p.240). From this phrase, I learned that the more rigorous the content is, the more likely I will get student participation. In the future, I plan to differentiate my instruction and challenge my students, so they can demonstrate their utmost potential. Personally, I learned the most from the teachers that challenged me. Although as an immigrant student, I used to like teachers to be lenient towards me since I had a language barrier, some teachers expected me to submit the same assignments as my peers. I appreciate their hope in me because that simple gesture and inclusion turned me into a well-rounded student.
Overall, I learned effective and inspiring concepts in this course. I will aim to utilize these tools and implement them in my classrooms in the future. Since I posses a growth mindset, I believe that I will be well equipped in teaching a differentiated classroom. If I get stuck, I know which sources to use us assistance. I am determined in changing education and inspire children. I am looking forward to changing the future through

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