Pros And Cons Of Instagram Essay

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The good the bad and Instagram It’s no longer possible that one can go out to eat and avoid the excessive picture capturing tones of the surrounding public’s smart phones and tablets. Founded in late 2010, popular social media site “Instagram” showed no signs of slowing down, rapidly climbing the ladder of most popular social media network. Instagram, in the past year alone has lured 70 million users worldwide into its largely spun trap of procrastination, jealously and dejection. It quickly became a social phenomenon due to the fact it allowed attention hungry citizens to transform their photos into frame- worthy images and easily share them with friends. Heightening peoples experience with Instagram, the in-built filters instil varying hues and skin perfecting edits so that users can present a prettier, younger and more fabulous version of themselves. Instagram is very similar to Facebook, yet it provides the opportunity to skip past all the mind numbing statuses and irrelevant shared links and allow users to proceed to check out the latest happy snaps of their proclaimed ‘friends’ latest experiences. The way in which an individual is presented is rapidly becoming the sole devotion to their life. As this is becoming increasingly popular, so is Instagram, allowing people to falsify and embellish their drab lives. Expert, Hanna Krasnova of Humboldt University and cofounder of the study of social media’s correlation to envy, states that ‘You get more explicit and implicit cues of people being happy, rich, and successful from a photo than from a status update”. Thus manifesting the idea that Instagram is now dominating the popular social media site Facebook by allowing users to solely share their over planned and pretentious images... ... middle of paper ... horrendous and addictive social media site, all hope is lost. Fully shutting down all connections with social media networks is unrealistic, but it’s extremely important that users are aware of the many negative connotations that fall under the beloved social media site Instagram. Users need to be encouraged to build a community, rather than meticulously constructing misleading depictions of their lives. When those of you log into your Instagram accounts and are flooded with other peoples greatest experiences, emphasising your lack of entertainment, remember that there is far more to life than what’s advertised over Instagram. It’s about a complex and beautiful collection of moments that you will miss if you’re always absorbed and concerned about what others are doing. Here’s to the hope that self-acceptance and respect will flourish as Instagram users diminish.

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