Pros And Cons Of Being A Cheer Captain

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Ever since I was little I wanted to be a captain just like my older sister. Back then I thought it was just a cool label, but in my past three years as a TCHS cheerleader I have quickly learned the amount of dedication and hard work this position entails. I qualify for being a captain because I have a good attitude, work well with others, and always put in an effort to work hard. Something I have learned from past cheerleaders is that a bad attitude is toxic to our program and tends to keep our team from reaching its full potential. I try my best to always stay positive and keep a smile on my face to not only make practice enjoyable for me but for the whole team. We have seen how bad attitudes can affect our program, but imagine what a few good attitudes could do. This all comes back to the captains and how they deal with certain teammates that are not contributing to the …show more content…

I know having 2 captains is not a necessity but it works better for me because I like to work in groups. In science class I like doing labs with a partner because you get to bounce your ideas off of someone. If there is someone in my group not doing the their job I take it upon myself to fix the problem and take charge. In cheer I am known for being the fun and goofy one but it never affects what I need to get done. I do not think my personality sets me back because when I know it's time to work I focus on what needs to get done. I have many skills that I have worked hard for so I see myself as someone other teammates could look up to for work ethic. During cheer there has been many days where I tried a skill over and over and always fell, but I just got up and kept going. Many cheerleaders have seen me go through this and not catch an attitude or just stop trying, so maybe they learned something from me after

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