Probation Essay

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You cannot write a paper on probation and not mention the father of probation, John Augustus. Augustus was born in 1785, in Woburn, Massachusetts. Augustus was a shoemaker in Boston. In the year 1841, he convinced a local police judge to have a common drunkard stay with him. The drunkard needed to sober up and become a productive member of society. During the drunkard’s three-week stay with Mr. Augustus, he was able to find a job. He also agreed to sign a pledge with Mr. Augustus stating, he wouldn’t get into any more trouble. Mr. Augustus was deeply upset that common criminals, who haven’t been in trouble before, were given the same harsh sentences like murderers, thieves, and people who committed other unsavory crimes. Augustus is credited for founding the investigation process. One of the concepts is modern probation, the other two being intake and supervision. By 1858, John Augustus had helped 1,946 people with bail.
Becoming a Probation Officer
A probation officer works with individuals who have been convicted of a crime and received a sentence of probation rather than jail or prison time. The probation officer works with the offender and ensures she or he meets any requirements set by the court. The probation officer also attempts to prevent the offender from committing any further crimes.
A Bachelor's degree is usually the first requirement for probation officer positions. Undergraduates often choose degree programs in criminal justice to learn about the various functions of correctional systems. Coursework in sociology and psychology is also beneficial to those seeking a career that involves working one-on-one with offenders. The question that is being asked is: should you need a bachelor’s degree to be a probation offic...

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...hen do it. Help them become a better person, give advice on what to do in a bad situation. Help them understand that you are here to help. Help them understand that you are dedicated to seeing them turn their life from a negative to a positive. You want to help keep them out of trouble. You’re trying to help may show the client that you do care and that he’s not just a number in the probation system.
The bottom line is that everyone needs help in this life. If you want to be a probation officer, you have to take your job seriously and also consider peoples feeling. The oath that you take can go along way. If in your career as a probation officer, you had over 500 hundred cases, if over 200 hundred of them say you cared. You will feel confident that you did your job and that you actually helped people. You will feel better about the job you did as a probation officer.

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