Power Struggles in Early Adult Relationships

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The issue in this case is the struggle of power. Every time the female challenges Matt there is an issue. Like in the first paragraph when Matt comes back from partying with his friends and the female has something to say about matt not spending Valentine’s Day with her. This is one of the main conflicts between the couple and being that they are both so young this is a major issue for them. Since this couple is young they are both just starting to gain their freedom and Matt is trying to enjoy his. Freshmen year is honestly most kids first time living away from home, they no longer have curfews or anyone to answer to but themselves. When living away from home you now have this new sense of freedom which is what Matt and his girlfriend have. …show more content…

The alcohol can be blamed for him not thinking as clear so, maybe in his right state of mind he wouldn’t physically harm her but he would still continue to bad mouth her if he was sober. The other issue is Jane always took the blame to the point where she started to believe that she was the reason for all the problems that were happening. Matt had too much power in the relationship and this why he had control of it. For Jane to avoid this happening again to her she has to build up her self-confidence and be tougher. She cannot allow her partner to just walk all over her. She needs to have some control of the relationship. In order for her relationship to work Jane and her partner have to have equal amount of power. That means they both have a say in the relationship and it is not just dominated by one person. Jane also needs to choose someone that wants the same things as her. Matt wanted to party with his friends and come back to Jane at night. Jane need someone that does not want to get drunk and party all the time but, actually wants to just be with

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