Planned Behavior: A Case Study

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Intervention Portfolio #5
The theory of planned behavior attempts to link health beliefs directly to behavior. Health beliefs take some time in predicting when people will change their health habits. According to Taylor a health behavior is the direct result of a behavioral intention done by the person. Behavior intentions are made up of three different components. The first one would be attitudes towards the specific action, then subjective norms regarding the action, and finally perceived behavioral control. Attitudes refers to actions that are performed and delivers outcomes, subjective norms refer to what the person believes others think they should do, and perceived behavior refers to the person acknowledging that they can perform the intended action. …show more content…

In this case the intended behavior would be to make an individual increase their drug regimen (candy) adherence. We would have to advise the person and let them know why they should increase their drug regimen and what benefits they would get from it. Once their attitude has been established after learning about why the drug regimen should increase their beliefs would be, “if I increase my drug adherence, I will improve my health, have more energy, and look better”. Some evaluations to this outcome would be, being healthy and looking more attractive. In regards to subjective norms some normative beliefs the individual may experience is being aware that their family agrees and that they also think they should increase their drug regimen. A motivation would be the individual wanting to comply and make the change. For example, saying something like “I want to do what my family wants me to do”. For perceived behavioral control the individual would be able to say “I will increase my drug

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