“Educational technology, especially computers and computer-related peripherals, have grown tremendously and have permeated all areas of our lives” (Valdez, 2005, ¶ 3). Computers are a prevalent part of most people’s professional and social lives. They serve an essential role in a myriad of industries including but not limited to, finances, health care, and retail. On the personal front, social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and MySpace have gained a popularity that few could have predicted a decade ago. With technology, particularly computers, present in nearly every aspect of the average person’s life, why wouldn’t it be as prevalent in the education? Similarly, as it is a large part of the typical student’s life, it would be natural for that to translate to their classroom experiences. While there are some disadvantages to integrating technology into schools, they are strongly counteracted by the benefits of its addition.
A team of scholars at the University of Amsterdam quote a fourteen year old boy describing his experience with using technology at school: “I like working with computers at school. It is nice to be active, to determine your own way of working and to not have to listen to the teacher all the time” (Heemskerk, Dam, Volman, & Admiraal, 2009, ¶ 1). The student has found many gratifications in his use of technology, all of which are alluded to in a brief response. He has gained autonomy. He has felt less sedentary and passive. Rather than being a passenger in his education, always a listener, he has become proactive participant and director. Another student, this time a girl, says “It is nicer than the usual lessons …” (Heemskerk et al., ¶ 1). While her words are less descriptive, she ...
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...students who are equally or more so. Obviously a teacher cannot pass on skills to the students, that he or she does not possess (Valdez, 2005).
As seen both the arguments for and against the use of technology in schools have validity; however, it appears that the strengths overshadow the weaknesses. In hopes of receiving appropriate training she plans to begin using her school’s newly acquired remote control devices which have proven successful in other schools (Curtis, 2003). She has already been implementing technology in her lessons in other ways, such as projected slide shows, occasional web quests and research projects, and video clips. The remotes are the only technology that her school has to offer that she has not yet utilized. Hopefully they will bring the ability to engage students, while helping them learn that other technological media offers.
While admitting the power of technology, he also points out the adverse effects of excessive use of technology in the education system. He states, “Computers make our worst educational nightmare come true” (279). According to him, improper or overuse of computers hinders learning ability. He reports that over the past few years, computers have been assumed to be a necessity in America’s classrooms and introduced to children from elementary levels. However, technology can be addictive, and students may overuse it, leading to a drop in educational standards.
For example, while computers have replaced typewriters, it helps the students to become a better writer as they can “revise text, rearrange paragraphs, and experiment with the tone and shape of an essay” while using word processing. Thus, the computer helps the students to improvise their writing. Human relationships with computers and technology have come closer than ever before in the recent decades. Erik Erikson’s view on the element “psychological moratorium” implies the identity development in adolescence. According to Sherry Turkle, computers and the internet have given wonderful opportunities to the young generation that helps them to present themselves online through role-playing games, chat rooms, and other technological venues.... ...
Do you ever think about how much technology has changed the way we work, learn, play, and even think? Technology is a major beneficiary to society; especially in the classroom where we get the opportunity to learn and grow. In recent years, schools have begun implementing tablets and other devices in the classroom to better student’s education. The use of technology in the classroom provides more of a personalized learning experience and gives students a widespread availability to engage in learning. Technology is necessary in today’s modern globe, it is basically “the pen and paper of our time and the lens through which we experience much of our world” (Warlick, 2013). Technology is not just considered the “internet”, it is so much greater than that. Overall, it enhances the quality of education and engages students deeper than ever before. With all the significant gains, why would people argue that technology hinders students more than it helps? Critics may try to repute the use of technology in the classroom but I believe what really matters “is the way we use it, the context that we use it in, and the learners who we use it for” (Chong, 2012).
With the rapid growth of technology in America’s society today, the use of computers in school classrooms has increased tremendously—an action that certainly has become beneficial to students, educators, and parents. The use of computers has positively skyrocketed over the past ten years. Not only are computers utilized daily in large companies across the world, but the everyday use in classrooms has also become prevalent. Using modern technology to assist school instructors with his or her daily lessons should definitely be regarded as a positive, acceptable method of instruction and not definitely does not prohibit students from understanding or critical thinking.
This week's task is to identify a technology for classroom use that will improve students learning, make curriculum more meaningful and provide opportunities for my students to actively engage with technology in a meaningful way. My classroom has a Smart Board that was installed in the spring of 2011. It is wonderful for displaying information, taking notes, showing videos and photos that relate to the curriculum. However, students have a more limited interaction with it as a direct learning tool. I would have to admit that it is more a teacher centered tool than it is a student centered use of technology. After researching the Smart Board's available resources and tools, I found the technology that I would like to incorporate in my classroom. SMART Response™ interactive response system PE.
Image a school with laptops available to each student to complete their class notes, teachers who are able to help their students through the screens of their computer, children who are excited to learn about numbers with the help of cute, animated characters. With the endless advancement of today’s technology, schools across the world have begun integrating various technology into their curriculum. These devices have the potential to greatly impact students in their learning. When a school opts to use technology in a school setting, the most important factors they should take into consideration are the benefits of using technological devices, the effectiveness of technology used
Schools seem obligated to cater to their students. An obligation—a hungering need—to supply modern children with screens and entertainment, for this, they believe, “will get students more engaged in learning” (source A). Needless to say, today’s student is a hollowed-eyed, pale individual, apparently unable to function without the crutch of technology. Schools must realize that, although buying “infrared gadgets” (source B) may make the school appear hip and current, it is not particularly beneficial to the students. It’s true that technology has become an integral part of everyday life—as Johnson Steven says, “I’m a typer, not a writer.”
Kesling suggests that it’s not enough to just give students access to an abundance of information, but rather that they need to be taught how to use that technology in the classroom.” (Templin) The worry surrounding this issue is legitimate because some teachers aren’t prepared to have technology in their classroom. A solution to this would be to give teachers proper training as to how to effectively use the potential in the electronics for the benefit of the students. Suggestions on how to integrate technology surrounding the lesson could be using educational games to effectively get the lesson across through fun and
Technology is changing how we think and act at younger ages. The term “technology” doesn’t only mean manufacturing processes and equipment necessary for production, it also defines a social space and could be a social problem which makes a real impact on social reality. Different types of social software affect a variety of aspects and have both positive and negative impacts. It's important to be aware of how a digitally-driven life is changing our education, sense of self, relationships, social interaction, consumerism, and ways of doing business around the world.
Technology has changed many aspects of our lives, so why should we expect less of the classroom atmosphere? Technology in the classroom has changed the way students learn and the way teachers teach. Technology today is integrated into the classroom as a teaching tool rather than being taught as a course. There are many ways that technology is used in today’s classroom such as the World Wide Web, Power Point, and Excel (Starr, 2011). Teachers will continue to be the most important aspect of a child’s education because they teach and technology does not. The use of technology in the classroom can bring advantages to a child’s education but can also bring disadvantages (Cleaver, 2011).
Andy Carvin states “ internet access in schools isn’t worth a hill of beans if teachers aren’t prepared to take full advantage of technology” (2000). Schools spend a lot of money on computer hardware and software as well as other technologies without realizing that many of their employees are unprepared to include them in their teaching and use them to their advantages. Educators often use technology as a classroom management tool rather than an educational one, allowing computer time as a reward for good behavior (Clark & Gorski, 2001). The problem with this is that students learn to use the computer for games and such because it is their reward instead of using it on their own time for educational purposes. This is teaching them the wrong idea. Margaret Honey, director of the Center for Children and Technology in NYC said it best, “The bottom line is, you don’t just put technology into schools or into homes and expect miracles to happen. The technology is only as good as the program that surrounds it” (Meyer, 2002, p.2).
Technology affects everyone! Whether positive or negative, we are all affected, how it manifests itself into problems for youth will be studied and debated for years. Balancing technology throughout the educational process and keeping with current trends and uses of technology will affect everyone. Technology has transformed our youth’s daily and social lives. How do we measure the effects of technology on our ability to socialize or have a successful social life? Socializing is not just talking face to face, it’s our ability to interact, learn, and create original thought. Technology hindering today’s youth and their ability to socialize is affecting their capacity to read, write, and communicate. Today’s youth depends on careful considerations for the implementation of technologies. Our youth do not have the capability to convey their emotions through the use of technology, understand sadness, happiness or joy through simple text or emails. Communicating through the use of text, chat, and social network sites is lost using abbreviations and slang, inhibiting the use of the Standard English language. Using computers and hand held devices for relationships, reading, writing, and entertainment, turning them into introverted and socially inept individuals. Current trends resonating from our educational institutions to our workplace can be examples of how technology has altered the way younger people communicate. This tragedy transcends from youth to adulthood affecting the workplace. Social networking sites have begun to take hours away from employers. How do students understand ethical and moral dilemmas unless they are allowed to make mistakes and work through a particular problem? Creative and original thought needs...
Technology has allowed students, teachers, and parents to access unlimited resources instantly. The ease of access to school services and materials helps students in many ways. Redd makes a good point stating that “Many of these mobile devices are characterized as miniature classroom computers that allow students to partake in the ‘anytime, anywhere’ learning movement” (30). Students today use all types of electronic devices to do the unimaginable. The internet is a portal for students to connect to everything around the world giving them instantaneous access to resources. Imagine going throughout a day without the aid of technology, it detracts the learning process and limits accessibility. Students find it easier to access coursework, “Some said they were reluctant to use mobile phone functions such as SMS texting and information downloads for course-related activities” (Moule 61). Technology is always being implicated through day to day life situations. Student’s instantaneous access to unlimited resources...
The introduction of technology into education has revolutionized the teaching quality and learning outcome in the last ten years. The integration of technology into lectures by teachers in classroom has become so natural that both teachers and learners consider computers and their related applications for instruction are “a routine component of the classroom and educational processes in general” (Nuldén, 1999 cited in Buzzard et al., 2011, pp.131-139).
Modern technology has made it so much easier to obtain educational information for classroom or homework assignments. It offers educational games that stimulate the brain and help children who have difficulties focusing on traditional teaching and learning procedures. College students are even taking advantage of online courses that many colleges are offering as an alternative to physically attending classes. Advances in technology and computers will continue to play an important role in education for many generations to come.