Tattoos and piercings have been greatly increasing in popularity in the past couple of decades. This is not necessarily a “hot-topic” issue in today`s world, but people are beginning to take notice. Tattoos and piercings are forms of expressions for people, and can change perception- of the person and to other people. Of course, much of this depends upon the profession. Tattoos and piercings can hold the stigma of being unhygienic. Making employers, especially those in certain areas reluctant to hire candidates. Where does this form of discrimination stem from and how important is it to be addressed? How many people are aware of this form of discrimination?
The current job market is about to be very millennial-heavy, with baby boomers retiring and millennials beginning and finishing college. 23% of millennials have a body piercing and 40% have a tattoo (Burlington, Kennedy). 31% of human resource managers say that tattoos can negatively impact employment. Where these two points fully intersect, is that the older generations tend to correlate tattoos with “bad” things (jail time, gang affiliation, etc.). Studies have also shown that in general, people with body modifications are perceived as less intelligent and attractive (Kennedy). Many employers have said that the issue is not with having these modifications, it is
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Some cases have been against major companies, including: EEOC v. Red Robin and Sam`s Club v. Madison. There is not a federal law preventing this discrimination, but certain cities have banned discrimination against tattoos and piercings in the job industry. Washington DC; Urbana, Illinois; Santa Cruz, California; and Madison, Wisconsin (Kennedy). These are very few cities out of the many across the country. Only in these five cities are you protected if you have body modifications and are the on
In “Judging by the Cover” author Bonnie Gainley argues that employers have the right to discriminate against job applicants who have chosen to decorate their bodies in ways that, in the employers’ estimation, may detract from the applicants’ job performance. She supports this claim by explaining two major points: First, employers have an obligation to hire workers who will favorably “represent the business to its customers” (667), and second, job applicants with potentially offensive decorations, such as tattoos and piercings, have freely chosen to place them on their bodies, so the applicants must take responsibility for the consequences.
Seeing how not accepting tattoos and piercings in the workplace can cause greater problems, employers need to start accommodating for individuals of all different backgrounds. Businesses need to start focusing on the important matters such as, education, work ethic, attitude, and the willingness to do their job successfully. Anything else is just an
On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King gave his famous “I Have a Dream” Speech on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. He proclaimed his vision of a United States where black and whites were treated as equals. The citizens of the United States have elected a black president, but the nation still has a long way to go. Racial profiling is a problem that affects many minority groups. I will never forget when a security officer accused me of trying to steal a purse. Just because I am an African American female does not mean I can’t afford to buy a coach purse. I felt inclined to explore this issue after my experienced because I never want my child to go through the humiliation of being followed when shopping and accused of shoplifting. Racial profiling
Tattoos have been around for as long as I can remember. They started out as brandings for slaves, but now it’s become more of a piece of art that people add to themselves. Tattoos have become very popular in many parts of the world, particularly in Europe, Japan, and North and South America. The growth in tattoo culture has seen an increase of new artists into the industry, many of whom have excellent arts training. With advancements in tattoos and the ongoing upgrade of the equipment used for tattooing, this has led to an improvement in the quality and distinct look of tattoos. It is understood to be a symbol of remembrance, love, or just a way for someone to express themselves. Since this new hobby for some has started increasing, so has the policies for companies to hire people with tattoos. As an adult, I chose to put a few tattoos on my body as a symbol of things that I really cherish. Other people in my family also have tattoos, that are visible and some that are hidden from the public by clothing or materials. In today's global marketplace, employers are taking more seriously the need to provide a work environment that welcomes employees from many different backgrounds. Bringing it closer to home, my brother has an entire sleeve on both of his arms and my mom has one tattoo on her chest. He works in the oil field and my mom has been working at Celebrating Home for almost 15 years and things are going well without the tattoo issue getting in the way. This semester plan to research why companies really don’t like to hire potential employees with tattoos, and how prospective employee are affected. I also want to dig deeper into the negative imp...
In today’s world there are several occupations one may choose from once receiving an education. Whether a person wants to be a doctor, a teacher, or a business person, one should be able to use their education to gain access to that job. Getting a job is no easy task, for there are many people who are also searching for that same job. Employers will interview many people just to find the right one and often times will have many stand-out applications to evaluate. When it comes down to making a decision, something as simple as having a tattoo could ruin every hope one has of getting the job. One may ask, “why does having a tattoo ruin ones chance of getting a job?” A tattoo would ruin one’s chances at getting a job simply because it is wrongly viewed as unprofessional.
Since the colonization of what was to become the United States of America, the injustice of racial prejudice has been a prominent characteristic of this country. As a result, Blacks and other Americans of color are often, if not always, victims of racial profiling and despite many efforts to achieve racial equality, prejudiced mindsets have remained with some people well into the 21st century. Consequently, this has prompted many Blacks to go to questionably extreme measure to protect their children from potentially becoming another casualty of racial discrimination. Many have chosen to just ignore the problem, however the reluctance to speak out against racial injustices only shows weakness among Blacks and other Americans of color.
In addition, discrimination by appearance is really unfair to job-seekers, who do not get hired. My brother, who is Hispanic, has many visible tattoos all over his body. Each and every one of his tattoos mean something very special to him. If someone saw my brother and his tattoos, immediately, they would think he is rebellious. He is a genuine, intelligent person,
Even though tattoos are becoming part of culture and socially acceptable, the negative and prejudiced attitudes towards those with body art are still present. Not all tattoos are gang related, and one must note that they have historically been a symbol of someone’s culture or religion. Other tattoos may have just a personal meaning to its owner and was not intended to be offensive. People also do not understand that a tattoo may impede them from pursuing a professional career, regardless of their qualifications. Employers realize that the need to recruit workers from different backgrounds are important in such a competitive workforce, so they provide accommodation by having reasonable dress code policies.
Support system and assurance from family, friends, or peers are very important in a process of an individual to start a new life – who is involved in gangs and crimes because it gives them confidence, trust, and the feeling of someone is giving them an importance to having a second chance and turn their lives around. A quote from the book Tattoos on the Heart, by Reverend Gregory Boyle, an author, priest, and founder of the Homeboys Industries explains a scene where Father Greg was emotional when he overheard Gato (one of the homies at Homeboys Industries) talk shit about what happened to Flaco (one of the homies at Homeboys) last night. “I’m glad that shit happened to Flaco last night. […] I get into Gato’s face and give him a banner headline. …I love you and am down for you, and I love Flaco and am down for him.” (132). Father Greg confronted Gato right away about talking shit about what happened to Flaco last night. He was eventually hurt and deeply emotional of what have Gato commented on Flaco’s situation. Father Greg was furious at the moment; he then told Gato that his feeling for both of them is mutual. At the end of the day, Father Greg loves them both. He was just expressing his feelings and his role between them two. He wants them to know that he 'll be always there for them no
A controversial topic today is whether or not body piercings and tattoos should be accepted by professionals working in health care. Currently, tattoos and piercings are allowed in health care as long as they are not visible. According to one of the studies, “Body piercing is defined as a piercing of the body anywhere other than the earlobes” (Westerfield). Therefore, the only visible piercings allowed are small studs in the lobes of the ears for females. The reason body piercings and tattoos are not suggested in health care is that they keep someone from looking professional as well as making them look intimidating. Not everyone sees them that way. The opposing side is that they do not affect
A persons’ image is vital when meeting someone for the first time. Our peers, employers, family, superiors, even strangers that you walk past can automatically judge someone, and imagine how they present themselves to the world. Tattoos have been predominantly linked with a rebellious attitude and pictured on out of control stereotypes such as rock starts, bikers, sailors, and disobedient teenagers who want nothing more than to hack off their parents. With a new coming of age generation and a step into a more lenient and liberal society these types of patrons still participate in body art but so do doctors, lawyers, or just the run of the mill house mom. Tattoos signify religious beliefs, cultural influence, or each individual’s sole style. Body art is no longer socially offensive, employers are more apt to hiring tatted hopeful applicants, parents are warming up to the idea of their children inking their body and no longer a stranger on the street with a tattoo is necessarily prejudged as a criminal or safety hazard. Tattoos have become more evolved over the years because they have become more of a socially accepted element of the general public.
Tattoos are a controversial subject in the world we live in. The kind of people that get tattoos is now varied to almost all humans regardless of race, religion, or age. What many people fail to understand or realize is how much of an effect a tattoo can have on the rest of your life. The original tattoo stereotypes have faded from what they were many years ago and yet tattoos still have a reputation as for what kind of people get tattoos. There are many reasons as to why people would get a tattoo but there are many reason why you should think before you ink. Our society and the social media today has a huge impact on the tattoo industry. Movie stars and pop singers with many tattoos are posing as role models for our generation and
Tattooing has increased widespread from all ages, careers, and social classes (Westerfield, Stafford, Speroni, & Daniel, 2012). Tattoos’ usual meaning is “to stain the skin with colorings” (Goldstein, 2007). With the growing the populations, who have tattoos and/or body piercings in the work environment, there is requiring decision about what policies to establish forward associates a professional atmosphere. Thus, there assesses patients’ perceptions of health care workers with tattoos and/or body piercing (Westerfield, Stafford, Speroni, & Daniel, 2012).
Are tattoos a kiss of death at a workplace? According to Student Research Center, nearly 4 out of every 10 Americans in their 30s have been inked. ''In April 2000 15% of Americans were tattooed (which is roughly around 40 million people) (The National Geographic).'There are different types of tattoos, from color to black and white, even glow in the dark. Number of tattoo paralos in the U.S. is 21,000'' (Tattoo Statistics 1) and more is being added every single day. People spend about $1.6 billion on tattoos once a year. ''In the U.S. more women than men are tattooed, 36% of the ages is between 18-25 and 40% of those ages are 26-40 that have at least one tattoo.''(Random facts 1) People have been getting tattoos for a while now. It has been said that ''tattoos date back as far as the Neolithic era or around the fourth to fifth millennium BC.''( 1) Tattoos should be acceptable at a place of business because people get tattoos for significant purposes, tattoos can tell stories and build confidence, body art is a way for someone to express themselves, make up, and tattoos are reminders of life time experiences.
Have you ever been discriminated because of the race you are? Are you considered suspicious to the cops because of your race? Many people are oblivious to the fact that everyday a black person is being discriminated because of racist policemen. In general, today 's society treats blacks poorly and assumes that they are violent and always up to no good. It is not fair to them for not getting the same advantage in education as us because they don 't look like us. You can 't judge a person’s character by their race. Racial profiling is considered unconstitutional and has a huge impact on how white people interpret blacks actions. We should all be brought up equal and not stereotyped of the worst. If anything, whites should be supervised too because