Persuasive Essay On Small Farming

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The small farms of America are scrutinized every day for what they grow and raise. Most of the small farms around America go through more and more regulations because the big farming corporations are able to pay the government off so they can grow and raise there items their own way. When most people look at small farms they see organic and healthy; for big corporations, though, a lot see short cuts and GMO's. Peter Singer also calls large corporate farms "factory farms" because they just keep growing and never stop but in the eyes of many that's ok. Shouldn't a small farm should have a right to farm what they want also, because of the good they can do for their community. So Americans should start buying organic and local because it can grow …show more content…

Maumoto says, " this is not just a farm, it's about farming organically and facing the challenges and labors when working with nature. This is not a factory in the fields, but something alive and dynamic: taste the salt of sweat and the geography of dust; witness the power of hail storm devastate democratically; sigh with the depression of low market prices and the rot of unharvested crops --- the real flavors of a farm" ( Xiii). His quote is really powerful here showing that he cares about what he does and is not trying to just to sell his fruit for a profit but for joy. That is why ethics is such an important role in agriculture because ethics makes you care for the stuff around you, and big corporations don't care about you, but others do. That is why this book has so many ethical values along with the other stories because they want to show you to value the life that you have and live with happiness with what you do. Which is why society is just like a farm it can grow and prosper, but also be taken down in an instant. So if both are the same, then farming and society should be treated the same with respect, but also the truth because that's what ethics is trying to teach us the truth on how to

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