Personal Statment

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We had a fight and I pushed my junior brother to the sharp edge of the table, he hit his back and fell on the floor. He started twitching, at first I thought he had a seizure attack, but when he muttered out “I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe” in a frail voice, I realized he had asthma attack. I was the only one at home, and calling 911 wasn’t a great choice, because he would probably be unconscious or dead before they arrive. While I analyzed and processed the different thoughts that came to my mind, I recalled the PE class I had in year 7, about nose to nose resuscitation. I set him up in the best position I knew, and applied continuous and rhythmic pressure on his chest and also, blew air into his nose. After about 2 minutes of this repetitive process, he was able to start breathing again and he yelled out “I can breathe, I can breathe”. Applying the little knowledge I had, to save my brother’s life, made me realize that with a proper education in medicine, I can acquire sufficient knowledge, and therefore use this knowledge to save other people’s life. I understand that studying medicine is physically, intellectually, emotionally, and socially more demanding than any high school courses I have studied. However, I am confident that I can adapt perfectly to these conditions without snapping. Last summer, I worked as a waiter at Sea-line beach resort and working in a busy restaurant helped develop my organizational skills, to make sure that I can work efficiently and competently under pressure. Also, in my role as an executive member of charity club, it is essential to work as a team to deliver interesting meetings and events. This opportunity has helped me develop excellent listening skills , as well as ensuring that I take on ... ... middle of paper ... ...books and of what movies I see on the internet. Although I juggle through many activities in high school, I vividly remember the thrill of my debut athletic competition. I was the smallest and youngest member of the group, and I had to compete with mature athletes. Despite being the youngest, I was not intimidated, instead I was motivated to strive hard and sprint with all my energy in an attempt to secure a winning position. Outside my academic pursuit, I also participate in sports. I play volley ball and baseball, and I regularly take part in the track and field athletics events. Studying medicine in your University, will equip me with the broadest range of intellectual and practical skills, to enable me save life and also develop a passion for, and lifelong interest in medicine, through a deep understanding of the diversity of life, its processes and mechanisms.

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