personal statment

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There comes a time in every little boys life that the best present he can get is a remote controlled car. After all, driving and car is equated with freedom and maturity, a sign that one is “grown-up”. At the age of six when I entered that phase, I too wanted a remote controlled car, but for a different reason. While my friends raced and, eventually, wrecked their toys cars, I dissected mine. I wasn’t excited at the prospect of pseudo-driving a car, but rather intrigued at how it was possible that the wheels spun and turned at the push of a joystick. My curiosity got the better of me and I ripped off the plastic body to see what lay within. What I saw changed my life. I saw a chain of interconnected moving gears (which I later found was called the transmission) engage the whole system. As the motor spun the inside of the car came alive. Like a chain reaction each gear spun the next one until everything came into motion with complete synchronization. It caught my attention like a magic trick captivates a five-year old. This excitement was not because I found a new toy, rather because ...

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