Personal Protective Equipment Market In Indonesia

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In the lines of work where serious injuries are everyday threats and employees are exposed to hazardous environment, companies are taking precaution measures in order to make sure that their employees are protected from harms and injuries. These lines of work include workers in the oil field, offshore, mining location and construction site. The best safeguard for the workers are by wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) depending on the requirement.

Personal protective equipment is any equipment intended to protect a worker's head, face, eyes, hands, or feet. It represents collectively the forms of safety equipment that people wear to protect their safety and health when they are doing work. PPE does not eliminate hazards. Protective equipment is just one part of an overall safety program that includes administrative and engineering controls, training, and a strong commitment on the part of management and workers.

PPE can be divided according to its specific protective functions, like: full-body protection (work-wear, uniforms, protective clothing, life jackets and fall protection); hardhats, safety eyewear, hearing protectors, work gloves and shoes, respirators, fall-protection gear, high-visibility and protective apparel, and gas-detection instruments. The picture below shows the safety equipments on human body:


The market for PPE itself is very promising, due to the high number of local and foreign companies that are investing in earth explorations and constructions for property or infrastructure. There are a couple of ways to learn about the PPE market size in Indonesia; by digging into the players behind it or studying the import of safety goods to Indonesia.

1. PPE Players

The number of suppliers specializing in PPE product is numerous. Most of them do not fully specialize in PPE product only, but also carry other lines of goods and services in the same area. For instance, PT. Triwira Insan Lestari in Jakarta, who is also a PPE supplier for PT. Halliburton Indonesia, also offers parts for steal construction, over-head crane, and cargo lift.

The characteristic of PPE players is very flexible depends on the demand of the customers. In other words, they partly have the goods that they are selling for the sake of the showroom, but ready to go out to the manufacturers and find the specific goods that are needed by the clients. Basically, they already have some sort of affiliation with certain brands of products, straight from the manufacturers either inside or outside of Indonesia. Therefore, whenever they receive an order or contract of providing certain items, they will go straight to their manufacturers.

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