In the lines of work where serious injuries are everyday threats and employees are exposed to hazardous environment, companies are taking precaution measures in order to make sure that their employees are protected from harms and injuries. These lines of work include workers in the oil field, offshore, mining location and construction site. The best safeguard for the workers are by wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) depending on the requirement.
Personal protective equipment is any equipment intended to protect a worker's head, face, eyes, hands, or feet. It represents collectively the forms of safety equipment that people wear to protect their safety and health when they are doing work. PPE does not eliminate hazards. Protective equipment is just one part of an overall safety program that includes administrative and engineering controls, training, and a strong commitment on the part of management and workers.
PPE can be divided according to its specific protective functions, like: full-body protection (work-wear, uniforms, protective clothing, life jackets and fall protection); hardhats, safety eyewear, hearing protectors, work gloves and shoes, respirators, fall-protection gear, high-visibility and protective apparel, and gas-detection instruments. The picture below shows the safety equipments on human body:
The market for PPE itself is very promising, due to the high number of local and foreign companies that are investing in earth explorations and constructions for property or infrastructure. There are a couple of ways to learn about the PPE market size in Indonesia; by digging into the players behind it or studying the import of safety goods to Indonesia.
1. PPE Players
The number of suppliers specializing in PPE product is numerous. Most of them do not fully specialize in PPE product only, but also carry other lines of goods and services in the same area. For instance, PT. Triwira Insan Lestari in Jakarta, who is also a PPE supplier for PT. Halliburton Indonesia, also offers parts for steal construction, over-head crane, and cargo lift.
The characteristic of PPE players is very flexible depends on the demand of the customers. In other words, they partly have the goods that they are selling for the sake of the showroom, but ready to go out to the manufacturers and find the specific goods that are needed by the clients. Basically, they already have some sort of affiliation with certain brands of products, straight from the manufacturers either inside or outside of Indonesia. Therefore, whenever they receive an order or contract of providing certain items, they will go straight to their manufacturers.
Professional Safety, 46(10), 20-25. Retrieved April 22, 2014, from McGuire, C. (2011, April). Workplace Safety 100 Years Ago! Safety Compliance Letter(2524), 1-6.
1.4 – State why and when health and safety control equipment, identified by the principles of protection, should be used relating to types, purpose and limitations of each type, the work situation, occupational use and the general work environment, in relation to: • Collective protective measures • Personal protective equipment (PPE) • Respiratory protective equipment (RPE) • Local exhaust ventilation (LEV) PPE Whilst working on site we wear PPE to eliminate the chances of injury. We wear protective eye glasses as we are using tiles, when cutting and nipping them sharp bits of tile can come off and there’s a chance it could damage your eyes, in this case the glasses will prevent this happening.
The most important site-specific safety issues that are addressed is all personal protect equipment (PPE) is worn at all time and the job safety analysis (JSA) is documented and signed by all labors participating in the work.
...lothing and equipments in the industry. These will greatly ensure the safety of the employees and hence minimize the injuries. Use of the administrative control and work practices will also lead to the production of quality products safe for consumption (OSHA Quick take, 2010).
Large players can offer competitive prices if they buy in bulk. Smaller players can differentiate themselves by offering niche products and superior customer delight at a premium price.
It is important for business management to develop and promote sound health and safety policies and to consider, not only the legal requirements and the possibility of prosecution, but also the possibility of an employee personal injury claim.
To protect and secure the health, safety and welfare of workers or others in the workplace from exposure to hazards, risks and harms through the work activities and improve the health and safety outcomes.
$5k bracket by 3%. The only bracket to reduce in size is the <$2k bracket, decreasing by
"Personal Protective Equipment." Rutgers School of Public Health. Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, n.d. Web. 29 Apr. 2014. .
PRIL has a multiple city database, contacts and extraordinary relationship with brands & customers. This gives PRIL an added advantage over most watch retailers in India.
This coupled with rising number of coal-fired power plants being set up in India to supply electricity for its vast population as well as India’s favorable geographical position towards Indonesia is evidence to Indonesia’s comparative advantage in the production and export of coal. Also, the domestic consumption of coal in Indonesia is relatively low. Therefore, the high national production along with high foreign demand leads to a scenario of larger
Product Range and Diversity Midas Safety represents a diverse assortment of protective safety gloves to meet the many needs of the PPE industry. Our gloves provide
Everyone in the laboratory needs to wear splash goggles for eye protection at all times, and safety goggles are uniquely designed to protect lab used in case of an accident. The clothing worn must cover the whole body and should not have loose ends. All users should also wear closed shoes that are flat; you should not wear sandals, woven shoes or any other open shoes (Malcom, 2009). Jewelry and other accessories are prohibited and should not be worn in the laboratory. Finally, all Lab users require wearing protective gloves that protect the hands and should ensure the correct use. While in the chemistry lab one needs to wear all the required personal safety clothing for personal safety reasons.
Hazardous material accidents are common in warehouses and industries, the employ should provide a safe place to store the hazardous material, and the workers should have a good knowledge about how to response with that accidents and how to use the correct PPE and what control measures should be taken in that kind of accidents.
Although workplace accidents are very common, the majority of them can be prevented. As a company, you are obliged by the law to protect your employees, so it is important to take the necessary actions that will minimize the risk of accidents (Intelligent HQ, 2015).