Personal Narrative Of My Writing

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I stepped up to the stage when my name was called over the microphone. I walked over to the man that was handing out the certificates and letters. I smiled at the audience that was clapping politely. My mind rushed back to a couple months before when I was writing my piece for the Scholastic Writing awards. I always hid my writing from someone if they walked by while I was writing, in fear of someone judging my writing and not liking it. I remember the countless nights I stayed up writing and deleting and rewriting work on the memoir I wrote trying to get it edited welI enough to submit for the writing contest. I wouldn’t of never thought of myself as a good writer until one time my teacher asked to talk to me after class and talked to me about how well my memoir was written, and that I should think of entering my work into writing contests. After that, I forgot about what he said for a couple months until a week before the deadline of the Scholastic Writing awards. I remembered what my teacher told me a couple months ago, and after that I worked harder than I ever had on my memoir to submit it for the contest. After submitting to the contest, entering completely slipped my mind, and I forgot about the …show more content…

I was so excited to be able to represent our school with winning an award, and I was so proud of myself for being able to overcome my fear of not being a good enough writer and entering a piece for a contest. The next couple months after winning, I wrote so much more and became more confident with my work and sharing it with others. I began to enjoy writing more and wrote more and more everyday. The day of the ceremony when I got my certificate was a big day for me, because that was the day when I was finally being honored for my

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