In today’s fast growing social media world, the quality and skills of an education such as writing are in need of a drastic positive change. A 2011 nationwide test found that nearly twenty four percent of students in eighth grade and twelfth grade were proficient in writing and only three were advanced in writing skills. If that’s not scary, the world’s leading social media empire Facebook is the world’s largest news source. Writing happens in everyday activity, whenever it is writing a grocery list or texting a friend. It is essential that every individual possess and learns superior writing skills to be successful in life.
One of the problems that can be pointed to inadequacy of writing skills is the significant usage of emojis. A 2015
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This course is designated to help students improve their writing skills before entering a writing intensive class. Throughout my writing development of five blog posts, I was able to improve my writing ability and skill.
In my first blog post I was able to express about my feelings about the costly college education and how it will be worth it. In this essay I was able engage my thoughts and opinions about how I will be able complete the high debt College Education by putting every ounce of effort to into my path.. This blog post was the start of my path developing my writing skills as it re-emphasized to me the foundations of how to write a clear yet concise essay. My second blog post was similar to my first blog post but it demonstrated much more than just my opinion. In this blog post I was able to enhance my knowledge to read and analyze arguments by breaking them into their components parts. This blog post was debating what type of education such as online learning or in person is better for the students. In this essay, I was able to clearly stake a claim that I believe that in class learning is the best way for students to learn. In addition I was able to offer reasons and evidence that supported my claim by offering my personal anecdotes, statistics and the opinion of my peers. I also engaged by persuading the readers to
Another thing that I learned from taking this course is how to build a better writing and reading skills. Acknowledging reading and writing skills will help me to succeed in my other university courses.
In the article “Clive Thompson on the New Literacy,” writer Clive Thompson argues that the widespread use of technology and social media does not make kids illiterate and unable to form coherent sentences, but instead, keeps them actively writing and learning. Thompson’s article is based off of a study done by Andrea Lunsford, a writing professor at Stanford University. Thompson agrees with Lunsford that the use of social media and the Internet allow students to be creative and get better at writing. In his article, Thompson quotes John Sutherland, an English professor at University College of London, to inform the audience of the opposite side of the argument. He states, “Facebook encourages narcissistic blabbering, video and PowerPoint have
Several people have trouble writing college level essays and believe that they are unable to improve their writing skills. In “the Inspired Writer vs. The Real Writer,” Sarah Allen argues how no one is born naturally good at writing. Sarah Allen also states how even professional writers have trouble with the task of writing. Others, such as Lennie Irvin, agree. In Irvin’s article “What is ‘Academic’ Writing?” states how there are misconceptions about writing. Furthermore, Mike Bunn’s article “How to Read Like a Writer” shows ways on how one can improve their writing skills. Allen, Bunn, and Irvin are correct to say how no one is born naturally good writers. Now that we know this, we should find ways to help improve our writing skills, and
Learning to read and write are both considered to be fundamental human skills, that we begin to learn from the day we start school. As time advances, as do our minds, and we are expected to evolve in our reading and writing skills. Finishing high school is a large milestone for the lives of young adults; however, there is so much to learn in order to reach the next big milestone. To be a writer in college can challenge our preconceived thoughts on how we write. Although some skills remain unchanged, high school graduates are faced with overcoming new ways of doing a skill that seems so simple that it is practically innate. The definition of writing skills for college students is much different than high school. However, considering we have come so far it is time to go over the information we already know and challenge ourselves with ideas that we are yet to learn more about.
Throughout this course, we had multiple assignments that were aimed at improving us as writers. I am sure that everyone took something different from this course, and I am sure that each student took more from some areas than others; however for me there were three major things that I saw that I benefited from most. Our weekly craft lessons, grammar plan, but most of all, observational learning. Our weekly craft lessons have introduced us to multiple writing strategies. These strategies have helped turn my papers from elementary papers that were written below my expected grade level to papers more on par with my peers.
In Stephen King’s essay, “On Writing” he stresses the importance of reading as an invaluable tool to improve one’s writing. However, why does being a good writer matter to someone who is not a writer? In the New York Times article, “What Good Writing Indicates, and Doesn’t,” Brock Haussamen writes that “good writing—writing that is clear and interesting and free of most surface errors—is a reliable indicator of certain job-rated abilities.” Enhanced writing skills, developed by extensive reading, showcase job-related abilities, improve written and verbal communication skills and can lead to advancement in the workplace.
Writing is an important part of everyone’s life, whether we use it in school, in the workplace, as a hobby or in personal communication. It is important to have this skill because it helps us as writers to express feelings and thoughts to other people in a reasonably permanent form. Formal writing forms like essays, research papers, and articles stimulates critically thinking. This helps the writer to learn how to interpret the world around him/her in a meaningful way. In college, professors motivate students to write in a formal, coherent manner, without losing their own voice in the process. Improving your writing skills is important, in every English class that’s the main teaching point; to help students improve their writing skills. Throughout my college experience I have acknowledge that
I have learned many things throughout the course of the term, including such things as: how to write an essay and how to improve on essays that I have already written, how to locate and composite better research through the use of numerous resources found at the campus library, the internet, and the “Common Sense” textbook, how to cite research, examples, and quotations properly within the contents of my research paper as well as document it accurately according to MLA standards. Through the exploration of the “Subjects and Strategies” textbook, I have learned nine different methods used when writing an effective essay and how the different writing styles affect the overall theme and tone of the essay when used properly. This past semester, I have encountered many difficulties when trying to write these essays, but through the use of the textbooks, the aide of the instructor, and once I was able to classify the different types of essays and styles, I found them possible to overcome.
While brainstorming the process essay, I realized my weaknesses and planned better how to strengthen them. I knew simple grammatical errors and transitions were two of the most important ones I needed to correct. So while thinking of my topics to include in my essay, I thought of how each of them connected. In what ways can I draw connections between the three of these topics? Through asking myself this question, I transitioned from the paragraph of agency background to volunteer work with a more satisfying flow (“The Civic Responsibility” 2). While it took me longer to draft this essay, it ended up being worth it in the long run. I felt more accomplished of this paper and when I received feedback that required me to change minimal things; I knew it was worth
Why I hate to write. Writing is not my forte especially, when we have three term papers due in two days, and a research paper completed by next Tuesday, and having to use correct grammar. Have you heard people from Arkansas talk? We sound just like the hillbillies that Northerners imagine us as.
There are many studies around the world, comparing the writing abilities of high school students among countries. In many cases, the United States continuously ranks far below its competitors, including the most recent rankings presented in 2002 by the U.N. Children’s Fund (UNICEF), who has ranked the United States 18th out of 24 countries when comparing the percent of 15 year-olds falling below key educational benchmarks; Canada, Australia, and Britain all ranked in the top 7 ( During the 1999-2000 school year, American students tested in grades 4, 8, and 12 scored below minimum criteria set by the National Assessment and Governing Board. This board outlines the essential basic skills deemed minimal to meet academic standards, including writing proficiency. It was found that students who learned certain forms of writing, such as “process writing,” performed better on the exam, since they were taught how to analyze their ideas (Nations Report).
Although adequate writing skills are indispensable for life, leisure, and employment, quite a few students do not learn how to write effectively. Since writing is an exercise in thinking, it is important to balance the process of writing with the mechanics of writing. The areas of the brain involved in the writing task are varied yet interrelated; therefore, a student’s individual needs will determine the method of instruction they receive. Many students who have low expectations for their own academic success will not make even minimal efforts to complete a...
At the start of this class, I made a goal to develop my writing skills to better prepare me for other courses for my degree. I knew English 106 would be different compared to any other English or college courses that I have taken. I knew English 106 environment will let me grow in diverse writing dimensions. My long serving years of experience in the military has exposed me to many cultures around the globe. In just seven weeks of the course, I have seen some improvement in my writing. This course has afforded me with several techniques that have made writing not only a little bit easier but also more in-depth resulting in a higher level of academic writing versus my normal military style writing. Now I understand the writing process and
If one of your loved ones never learned to read as a child, they're not alone. Approximately 44 million adults aren't able to read a bedtime story to their children. While this statistic is sad by itself, other statistics are even more depressing. 43% of adults with the lowest literacy skills live in poverty, and 72% of their children are likely to suffer from low literacy as well.
Writing has changed because of the efficiency that technology provides. With the invention of instant messaging, writing has started to become something new entirely. People are writing more often and faster to get a message across. Luckily, students know that the writing that they do with friends is much different than what employers are looking for in the work place (Guffey, M.E., & Loewy, D., pg. 3-29).