Hotel On The Corner Of Bitter And Sweet Summary

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Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet: Final Thoughts If someone is going to ask me, explain what love and tragedy are, I will tell them to read the novel ‘Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet’ the book was written by New York Times bestselling author Jamie Ford. I enjoyed reading the story it taught me the meaning of true friendship and never lose hope on the special things. Hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet, a story happened during the war in 1942, between America and Japan. The story follows a young twelve-year-old boy carries the name, Henry. Henry is Chinese, but he lived in America all his life. He met a Japanese girl in the kitchen cafeteria and soon he developed a bonded relationship with her. The first lesson the novel …show more content…

Henry was insisted that he and Keiko will reunite after the war ends. The war ended in 1945 and unfortunately Henry was not able to see Keiko. However, Henry still had faith that one day he will see her again and he did. After forty years of waiting, Henry met with Keiko again. When Henry met Keiko in 1986 he was an old fifty-six years man and they communicated like they haven’t left each other all those years. Those cherished lessons of faithful friendship and never losing hope. Made me want to possess on keeping my long-term friendship to last a lifetime. In addition, made me believe that everything is possible once you have the faith, and you believe in it. This course was an awesome experience. I learned the importance of reading in university, and I want to continue reading more at the time I reach my other university classes or simply read more books during my holiday as I developed an interest in reading books and knowing more about certain topics. Another thing that I learned from taking this course is how to build a better writing and reading skills. Acknowledging reading and writing skills will help me to succeed in my other university courses. I want to thank you, Dr. Sherry, for all the effort and support you provide to the students. I learned a lot from having you as a Professor, and I’m looking forward having you as a Professor in my other

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