First, tell me about you. What makes you interesting? Explain. The qualities that make me an interesting person is that I am open-minded and continue to seek new experiences. This allows me to connect to others easily and accept new opportunities that inadvertently enhance my personality. What do you feel are your strengths as a student? Explain. I am very organized and hard-working, even if I reach a road-block or some difficulty I will work past it. How do you feel about challenges? Explain. I embrace challenges and have done so since the fourth grade. In fourth grade, I transferred to Clearspring Elementary School into the gifted and talented program. This program challenged with my coursework as did the Humanities program at Roberto …show more content…
Thus, I find some of my best works to be narratives. One such example is from Ms. Wilder’s Honors English B class when I was assigned to imitate Sandra Cisneros’ style of vignettes from The House on Mango Street. I felt that the vignette that I wrote, full of vivid imagery, was one of my best pieces. It proceeded to be published in the Poolesville High School Literary Magazine and won Honorable Mention in the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards of 2017. What do you feel are your weaknesses as a writer? Explain. My biggest weakness is writing personal narratives, primarily due to I find it difficult to write about myself to such a thorough extent. Although I am able complete the assignment in a well-written manner, it is often tedious and uncomfortable. This is a mindset that I would like to change, as even in interviews being able to talk about yourself and prove that you are a candidate that the interviewer would like to accept is a very important skill. Have you taken AP courses before? Which ones? How was that experience? OR If this is your first year taking AP courses, are you enrolled in others? What are your expectations about taking
The weakness I portray are very difficult for me to think of. I know that I have quite a few but to change them is something that I have not full conquered yet. A weakness I know I have is sentence structure. I am not very good at putting sentences together and making them strong and well developed. Another weakness that is obvious is word choice. I don't always know the exact wording to use in different parts of a paper, this makes it hard to understand sometimes not very well written.
Over my career of schooling my writing has changed dramatically at times and very little at others. Through my years of schooling people have determined my main weaknesses and strengths that I should work on with my writing. My biggest weakness is writing introductions and conclusions they must be so complicated and require so much thought to be defined as good. I excel at writing body paragraphs and explaining all the facts that back up your main ideas though.
"To be successful, you must accept all challenges that come your way. You can't just accept the ones you like" Mike Gafka. Gafka’s quote summarizes my Junior year as I had to grew accustom to many difficulties, face many challenges, and struggles such as time management as well as how I decided to take three Ap classes during my Junior year. Which were Ap US History, Physics, and English not to mention having a Math 140 zero period class and a Network+ computer course outside of school which made me have a busy schedule. Nevertheless I learned and gain a lot of new knowledge throughout my Junior year.
Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to overcome this challenge. How has this challenge affected your academic achievement?
The stereotypical version of the normal life of a teenager proceeding to college would include high academic standards met throughout their high school career and outstanding outside testing scores resulting in automatic entry into the institution of their choice. Many of these individuals have the support of their accomplished family members in the form of financial support. There are those who have not had the luxuries of any easy upbringing but forced to decide between a life with a college degree or full-time employment. For myself I want to have it all and to achieve that I have taken on both.
As I’m sitting here typing this, I thought this assignment would be easy but it’s not. How do you explain who you are in a paper? Where do I begin? Well, for starters, my personality, ambitions, and what I love doing should be the best standard for defining my character. One should never be anxious if they do not know everything about themselves, as we are constantly learning and discovering new features of ourselves. Personally, I am satisfied knowing my friends are worth it and consider me an asset. I’m the shortest one in my group of friends which puts me somewhat the end of the ladder. Someone might judge me just because of the way I look or act but, if they could just get to know me even more and see my personality they can see me in a whole new way.
In my freshman year I took all AP classes, which included; AP Human Geography, Pre-AP Math, Pre-AP Physics, and Pre-AP English. My Sophomore year, I tried going a little further and made the decision to get into two programs. One of the programs is called Middle College, which is a program where you are able to take college classes and get college credit. The other program I’m in is called, the Health Careers Academy. Joining the Health Careers Academy was one of the best choices I made.
At first, it wasn’t too hard, as the work load was rather miniscule for all of my classes. Around midterms the amount of schoolwork exceeded the amount of time I had available and has stayed there since. There are 168 hours in any given week, 50 of which I am working, and 17 hours are class time. That leaves me with 101 hours. Around 56 hours are used to sleep as I attempt to get around 8 hours of sleep a night. Down to 45 hours to drive places, eat, and socialize I realized I need to manage my time better. The biggest obstacle that challenged my success in college was spreading myself too
In this paper, I am to write about my strengths and weaknesses in writing. This is not an easy task for me because I have never considered myself a writer. Reading other peoples thoughts are activities that are more my speed. I simply have trouble putting my thoughts into writing. Since, I do not feel that I have many strengths, let's move on to my weaknesses.
Writing about my personal strengths is a challenging task that requires me to focus on the strong points that make up my character. However, to attack my weaknesses, is to challenge myself to take control over the areas that need some redefining of certain skills to make greatest success in life. My life is not defined by weaknesses, but more so the makeup of my personal strengths.
To begin, I am going to write about my weaknesses and how they transitioned into strengths. First, I remember after each assignment in class was introduced I
I am articulate, focused and I work well in teams as I believe teamwork is the backbone to producing work to the best of each member’s capabilities. In addition, I like to pride myself to be a creative thinker and an individual of excellent interpersonal and communication skills. To challenge myself, I am motivated to learn new things and break boundaries along the way.
Since our country was founded, we’ve had the jury system to make the hard decision of taking away a suspect’s freedoms and having a permanent, inerasable mark on their record, closing opportunities for the rest of their lives. This is no easy decision, yet we put it in the hands of common people. If this system is ineffective, then why have we had it in place for over two hundred years? For a country with a wide spectrum of races, cultures, and beliefs, the jury system is the most effective way to convict a suspect of a crime. The jury of your peers system should not be abolished, as it caters to the need of the people by considering all possibilities with delicate care and deep thought, and also provides a level playing field in the conviction of a suspect.
During my senior year of college, I decided to switch career paths and pursue Student Affairs. I can honestly admit, I did not fully understand what that meant at the time but I knew I wanted to help students transition in college. As a first-generation college student, I was significantly influenced by the Student Affairs staff at my undergraduate institution. I had arrived at college lost and struggled both academically and socially through my first year. It was not until a Student Affairs professional nudged me in the right direction, that my college experience began to evolve. In part, it was through their dedication to me that I was able to become who I am today; they challenged me and my beliefs to get me to see a different world, a better classes, I soon realized what would be the biggest challenge of college: deciding on a major. Yes, I am one of those people who started college without first declaring a major. I soon heard every question, suggestion, and response regarding possible options. I even began concocting false majors to throw some people off. Large-Scale Demolition was a crowd favorite.