Personal Narrative: My First Placement Teacher

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My experience so far has been a great experience; I must say that I am learning a lot from my first placement teacher. I do feel that me writing my lesson plans for each lesson that I teach is very beneficial because I get to plan it the way I want the lesson to outcome. This week I went to my firs faculty meeting which was held Monday August 18,2014 right after school. I ended up doing the meeting by myself because my intern teacher had a doctor’s appointment. I did go ahead and take the notes for the meeting and do what demanded of me. My first week of school I had to do car duty, and that was a very interesting experience. This week I was on bus duty, which basically means I stood in the hall and made sure the students, didn’t run to their buses, but walked instead. Most of the time when my teacher has duty she does it the first day with me and then I end up doing it the rest of the week by myself. To me this is a great experience so that I will know what to expect when I get hired at a school. …show more content…

I really enjoyed teaching the lesson; I tried to make sure that the students could relate to prior knowledge and real world situations. I tried to pick activities that were developmental sound for a second grader. I wanted to make sure that the students have an understanding of the standards in which they must master. During my Social Studies lesson I tried to ask the students opened ended questions to promote higher order thinking. I taught the students about map skills. During my lesson I used the Elmo and the Smart board to teach the students. I also do behavior on Class Dojo. I like this conduct system because it allows the students to actually see themselves loose points. They actually see themselves gain points, this really cuts down on discipline problems. The students assessed on the globe as a daily grade. They did a wonderful job, it showed me that they really grasped the

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