Personal Narrative: My Family On A Disney Cruise

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In the summer of 2015, my grandparents decided to take the whole entire family on a Disney Cruise. They picked a twelve day cruise that would have stops in Germany, Sweden, Russia, and others. This would be the first time that my whole family would be together all at once since I was around the age of four. Since it was a European cruise, this meant that we were docking out of Dover. My parents, my sister, and I all lived in California at the time and chose to go early to explore England whereas everyone else stayed in Colorado until departing date of the cruise ship. In Dover, my parents knew some friends that they met along work and decided to visit them. They had a son around my age named Michael, and a younger boy named Daniel that was named after my father. While we visited them, all we really did was go on a hike and went for “tea”. It was pretty cold for a Summer’s night and we noticed that it didn’t even get dark until about midnight. We played soccer which I might might add is neither my sister or my speciality. We went two on two and did not score at all the whole game. Around this time, we had to leave to aboard our ship. Our first stop on the cruise was Berlin. …show more content…

We also tried to go to as many movies as we could that were playing on the top deck because they were free admission and with so many of us, it would be perfect. Although we would go off in the mornings and split, by the end of the night our whole family was together. Us kids and our grandpa would always sneak out before ten to reach the top deck and get the last servings of soft serve before they would close down. Our absolute favorite was Dole Whip. Dole Whip is a soft serve pineapple flavored ice cream that is to die for. They only really sell it at Disney Parks and Cruise lines (but of course the ice cream was free here so we could get as much as we would

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