Personal Narrative: My Band Journey

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Whenever kids join band, they typically have their mind set on the instrument they want to play, and for me, this was percussion. In sixth grade we had the opportunity to join band, and become part of prestigious and successful group at our school. I dreamt of being the lead percussionist and leading the band by keeping the beat and making sure everyone was always together. I had my heart set on percussion ever since I was little, seeing my uncle play drums, banging his head around wildly, hitting drumsticks so hard they broke, and having so much fun with it; I wanted to have that much fun, too.

Ever since I first flung open the huge metal doors to our band room, I felt as if I had just entered my new home. The day I'd long awaited, the …show more content…

I loved playing famous marches and preludes by Bach, Beethoven, or even John Adams. I'm always eager to immerse myself into the diverse and complex music that concert season holds and see what new challenges await me, whether it be all region, playing in another band, auditioning for an honor band, or auditioning for concert solos. Playing in a professional orchestra can take upwards of ten years of music education and most music students can only dream of playing in one someday, but I have already had the opportunity and pleasure of doing so. The JROTC group at my school hosted an event where the National Air Force Band would come and perform in our auditorium with a select five or six students from our high school band, handpicked by the director of the National Air Force Band director, to play with them during one of their songs, and I happened to be one of those lucky students. This would be my first time playing with a professional band and I was so excited, I could hardly contain the huge grin on my face the whole time I was on stage.We played our song and were given a certificate that stated that we were apart of the National Air Force Band. We …show more content…

In order to help get me started with this, I am taking AP music theory to get me prepared for college theory classes. In this class, we not only study theory and how music is put together, but we also study music history and famous composers throughout musical history. Throughout my senior year, I will be applying to a few different colleges or various scholarships. Because my family has had to fight for what we have today, receiving a scholarship would mean the world to me. A scholarship could even get me on the right track to achieving my life goal of becoming a professional musician. Once I actually get into college, I plan on being in all the musical electives I possibly can. Such as: choir, band, orchestra, and marching band. After I graduate college, I would like to audition for professional orchestras and travel the world as I fulfill my dreams and

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