Personal Narrative: Community Service At The Boys And Girls Club

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“Guess what I signed you up for?” “What?” I ask my mom worried. “Community service at the Boys and Girls Club!”, “You get to spend the day with little kids!” As soon as I heard these words, my heart started to race, I was filled with anxiety. How could I find any joy in this experience, I have two younger cousins and I can barely interact with them without getting flustered. I had no clue how I would be able to handle so many unfamiliar children. Should I be all no-nonsense; we do things my way? Or should I allow them to do whatever they want, within reason of course. The day had arrived for me to go to the Boys and Girls Club. As I walk through the doors of the community center, I realize two things; one, I was more nervous than I thought …show more content…

Me and the other service members had the joyous job of getting them organized for the interactive activities we had planned. My composure was already slipping I was thinking to myself there is no way they will listen to me. As we rounded them up, I noticed a lot of them were staring up at me in awe, I was completely oblivious to the fact that they saw me as an authority figure and were waiting for me to tell them what to do. It turns out when you’re 6’2 and surrounded by little five and seven-year old’s, you aren’t viewed as a teenager, but as someone they have been taught to view with respect. It was a very shocking realization for me because I was rarely ever in a leadership position up until this point. As soon as we got all the kids to go to their separate activities, I had a small herd of little girls asking me to carry them or give them a piggy back ride. Naturally, I gave in we were supposed to keep the kids entertained so I saw no harm in keeping them amused. I was halfheartedly going along with what everyone else was doing, out of nowhere the same group of girls comes up behind me and start talking about how I needed some braids and accessories in my hair, they were also saying it would improve my

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