Social Interaction and the impact it has on young children

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Socialization takes a large toll in the way that children perceive themselves when they are younger and affects them as they grow up. How do a lack of social agents whether it is parents or peers can affect the way that the children view themselves as they age? Then by having third parties come in and fill in for the lacks of social agents can it better the children’s view of themselves and help them become more open. In other words how do charities such as Big Brothers Big Sisters help the way in which a child develops when in the past they have had a lack of social agents around them to learn from.

Big Brothers Big Sisters is a charitable organization that I have been involved with for four years. “[They] believe that every child should have the opportunity to reach his or her full potential” (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada, 2011). This mission statement shows their true dedication to allowing children to not be held back by their lack of socialization at a younger age and to be able to find who they are and make a difference in the world. I decided to pick this experience in particular because of the huge impact that it had on my life. Although we met only once a week it was an experience I will forever remember. I had one mentee in particular that showed such great advances in the year that we spent together. This little was in grade 5 at the time and was very shy; having being raised by one parent he had a lack of parental figures in his life. From such a young age he had a hard time trusting people because those around him always seemed just to leave. By me being their week after week he began to realize that I was not going anywhere fast. Although at first it took a long time to get through to him he eventu...

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...en, and how they have changed due to the program. I would also like to see the benefits that spending multiple years in the program would have on a child and how much they would change by having the positive role model in their life. This all could show the true importance that social-agents have on a child and how socialization as a child sets them up for success in the future. The changes that I have seen in my mentee have been dramatic I could only imagine the possibilities and the positive affects this will have on his life as he ages and I was lucky enough to be apart of that.

Works Cited

Ritzer, G and Guppy, N. (2013). Introduction to sociology (Canadian ed.).Canada: SAGE publications.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada (2011). About us. [online] Retrieved from: [Accessed: 20 Nov 2013].

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