The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe

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Through its themes and character development, it will be obvious that the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe communicates the Christian worldview. To give a pith, Aslan is the representation of Jesus shown in two aspects. Similarly to Jesus, Aslan is the representation of justice and law in the land, and he also died and rose again.
The protagonist is Aslan and the antagonist is the White Witch. The elements of story are as followed: theme, hero, hero’s goal, adversary, apparent defeat, final Confrontation, and resolution. The main theme of this movie is the power of satan. In the beginning of the movie, Edmund believes the White Witch and eats the Turkish Delight, subduing him under the gluttony spell. As a result, …show more content…

Typically, many movies based upon the Bible seem insipid to many individuals. However, the fantasy twist attracts both young and older individuals. Furthermore, this movie provides education value for Christians especially. Lewis wants to give a new perspective on what seems a very obvious story. Likewise, Lewis wanted to highlight children in this particular movie because of the recent events that had happened during his lifetime. C.S Lewis was writing in the same time as World War I and II. In an interview with Randy Testa, Ed.D., vice president for education and professional development; and Deborah Kovacs, vice president of the publishing division and project director of the film, and Rose Pacatte, F.S.P., of, Testa responded that Lewis uses storytelling as a “teaching tool. He was a caring adult who tried to help children make sense of the bad things that had happened to them during World War II when London was bombed. This caused them to be separated from their parents and evacuated to the countryside to live with strangers.” This is an appropriate response that we should apply in our lives; many of us will be parents at one point and knowing how to teach children is a vital aspect to raising children who can face the world. In a sense, children deserve respect to instead of hiding them from the real world, like most parent do out of protection. However, in a time of war, the importance of explaining to them what is happening will help them understand and make them feel like an individual, instilling a sense of respect for

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