Salvation Army Shelter Essay

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Shelter Draft “We’re not given a good life or a bad life we are given a life, it’s up to us to make it good or bad.” That is one of the signs that women first see when they walk into Jasmine Price’s office, who is an in-taker here at The Salvation Army. “I am there cheerleader, you could say! I am the first person they see, and I want them to feel positive coming to me!” The Salvation Army of Wilmington command, offers a women’s shelter for single women and women with children. The shelter holds 52 beds and tries to admit everyone that comes for help. The director, Ms. Taiwoo Sapara, who has spent 9 years at the The Salvation Army has an, “I don’t give up, I try as much as I can” passion. A passion like this is hard to find, but the shelter strives to have a passion for the services provided. Sapara’s passion clearly shows throughout the Housing Residence department. The employees in this department strive to help everyone that comes through their doors, whether it is …show more content…

When she came to The Salvation Army, she had a full hip replacement which she fondly recalls where she learned to walk again for the first time again at The Salvation Army building. “My heart is extremely grateful” she explains, she too explained her learning experience here as, “I learned to communicate, I began to feel like I belonged or was a part of something, in return I learned to stay humble!” Fredericka’s biggest reward was being able to utilize the services that Ms. Taiwoo has offered to her girls. With Fredericka’s persistent help from her mentor Ms. Taiwoo, she was able to to change the cycle. Using the department’s follow-up services, and utilizing our initial programs, Fredericka was able to get a car, and come out of the experience with a whole new mindset. She claims, “Here at Salvation Army they don’t make you feel any lower, there is no pedestal, they are just excellent all

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