Personal Essay: Personal Development For Smart People

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Conscious growth has been the central focus of my life for many years. I study what it means to grow and how we can deliberately invite, process, and integrate new growth experiences.

Which patterns help us grow faster and squeeze more juice out of life? Which patterns slow us down or cause stagnation? I answered these questions in my book Personal Development for Smart People, published by Hay House in 2008. As I shared in the book, the ultimate growth driver is intelligence. The more intelligent we become, the faster we grow, and vice versa.

I read, research, explore, experiment, contemplate, test, and refine ideas. As I discover meaningful insights, I share them via my blog and workshops.

I do what I can to support people on their paths of growth. I encourage people to contribute value to the world as well, so we can create compounding ripples of improvement for all.

In 2010 I …show more content…

I loved Gene Roddenberry’s vision of a society where people did work that inspired them (like exploring the galaxy), and technology handled their basic needs. Money was irrelevant. It took me several years, many mistakes, and a bankruptcy before I succeeded in creating a similar lifestyle (sans aliens and phaser battles), which I've been maintaining since the start of this century. I also enjoy teaching like-minded people how to do the same.

I’m technically an entrepreneur since I own my own business. This is a convenient vehicle to support my work and lifestyle, but making money isn’t my primary aim, nor is building a business empire. I do enough income-generating work to maintain a positive cash flow, so I can devote most of my time and energy to discovering, testing, and sharing ideas that benefit people. I'd rather create and hold wealth in the form of elegant insights, positive relationships, and social goodwill, as opposed to personal assets or

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