Perceptual And Language Differences: Concepts And Barriers Of Communication In An Organization

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Task 1 (AC 1.1)
Communication is the art of transmitting information, ideas and attitudes from one person to another. Communication is the process of meaningful interaction among human beings. Personal process Occurs between people Involves change in behavior Means to influence others Expression of thoughts and emotions through words & actions. Tools for controlling and motivating people. It is a social and emotional process

Communication is not effective when the barriers of communication occurs in an organization. The barriers of communication are as follows:

1.Perceptual and Language Differences: Every individual have their own understanding levels of interpreting the society. Every individual expect messages that are tailor made …show more content…

It is necessary to control this information movement else the information is likely to be misunderstood or elapsed or ignored. As a result communication is ineffective.

3.Inattention: At times we just not listen, but only hear. Such as, if a manager is occupied in his paper work and his worker explains him his problem, the manager fail to understand what he is saying and it leads to dissatisfaction of worker.

4.Time Pressures: In an organization there is limited time to perform tasks and complete them therefore a sufficient amount time should be provided to avoid errors or urgency to meet the targets communication messages are shortened or given partially to meet the essential target therefore right amount of time should be provided for a positive outcome.

5.Distraction/Noise: Communication is also affected a lot by noise to distractions. Physical distractions are also there such as, poor lightning, uncomfortable sitting, unhygienic room also affects communication in a meeting. Similarly use of loud speakers interferes with communication.(((communication is effected by distractions/noise too. physical distraction such as unbearable sitting, imperfect lighting etc. same effects for noise too use of loud speakers may result in understandable …show more content…

SHDE has grown rapidly in the past few years which have increased the need of working employees in the company. Employees are not well trained or briefed with the companies profile and regulation and are lacking motivation due to high turnover of employees one of the point of low morale of employees could be job safety thus this is making the employees careless of their work as there is no certainty of future in this company. The SMT of the company is not communicating with the SHDE employees which are the key point of communication problem as the staff should be briefed on short time basis with the updates, training, and performance analysis which make the employees aware and evaluate the drawbacks with their communications. Information being recorded for the customers to deliver the is not being recorded accurately by the sales team which is leading to delays in delivery and or eventually being delivered to wrong address the delivery team is not using proper standard procedures like correction of the error in the system to which notifies the delivery personnel at the time of delivery instead its being written manually which leads to misplace of information or fail to inform and cant to overcome the issue .even though delivery team is aware but fails to communicate to the staff effectively

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